I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 465 Watching the Meteor Shower 07

Chapter 465 Watching the Meteor Shower 07
"Your father didn't take me to see the meteor shower, but he took me to the mountains to watch the moon, which caused me to be bitten by mosquitoes all night." Duan Yingfei still remembers this.

"What's so good about the moon? You can see it almost every day. Dad doesn't understand romance, he doesn't understand the past, he has no sense of humor, and he puts on a harsh face all day long..."

"After dinner, follow me to the study." Lan Xianxiu walked down the stairs.

Lan Muge looked back and saw his father with a harsh face, and he was right!

After dinner, Lan Muge was forced to read books for two hours in the study. What he read was still old books that could not be digested. It was really painful.

Of course, Lan Muge's mind was not on reading, so she couldn't help but took out her phone and sent a message: Have you had dinner yet?
After waiting for 2 minutes, I received her reply: It has been a long time since I finished eating.

Lan Muge continued to send messages: I am reading the Four Books and Five Classics in the study, what are you doing?
Yan Xi felt strange, he seemed to be someone who could read the Four Books and Five Classics?Replied: I am watching the news broadcast.

Lan Muge smiled: My mother also often watches news broadcasts, and I sometimes watch them with her...

Lan Muge happily texted each other for more than ten minutes, and he didn't put away his phone until he saw her saying that he wanted to take a bath.

But he thought of the hazy scene of her taking a bath last night, which was a dream-provoking memory.

Lan Muge was locked up in the study for two hours before he was released from prison.

At ten o'clock in the evening, after Lan Muge took a bath, she called to ask if she was asleep, and then chatted for more than ten minutes, and finally said good night.

The next morning, the autumn morning light was extraordinarily bright.

After Lan Muge washed, she remembered that she said that she usually gets up at six or seven in the morning, so she sent her another message: Good morning, I'm going down to have breakfast, and I'll go to work later, what do you have to do today?
At work, Lan Muge couldn't help sending her messages, and called her again during lunch.

For two consecutive days, Yan Xi was a little uneasy when he received constant calls and text messages anytime, anywhere.

Why does he always report to her what he is doing and then ask her what she is doing.

He doesn't need to report to her, she is not interested in knowing!

And she didn't want to keep telling him what he was doing.


On Wednesday night, Yan Xi received a text message from Nick, and then received a call from an unknown person.

"I'm downstairs at your house. If you come down within 5 minutes, I'll take you to a place." The female voice was very arrogant and domineering.

Yan Xi didn't say a word, just hung up the line, and then went to change clothes and make up slowly.

Zhong Manyao held the phone angrily, and actually hung up on her just like that?And don't say a word, what do you mean?come or not?
Zhong Manyao waited for 15 minutes, until she became impatient, and then she saw Yan Xi walking slowly from a distance.

Yan Xi walked up to Zhong Manyao, and asked unhurriedly, "Where are you going?"

"Have the guts to hang up on me and make me wait for 15 minutes?" In Zhong Manyao's eyes, Yan Xi is just a keyboard warrior with low strength and low courage. He doesn't have the courage and ability to speak in reality, so he vents anonymously on the Internet. It's a sprayer.

"Actually, you don't have to wait after five minutes." Yan Xi remained calm.

Zhong Manyao's face was gloomy, Yan Xi was sure that she would wait, but in fact she did.

Zhong Manyao opened the driver's door, sat in the driver's seat, and then closed the door with a bang.

Yan Xi sat in the back seat without haste.

(End of this chapter)

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