I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 466 Watching the Meteor Shower 08

Chapter 466 Watching the Meteor Shower 08
The black car sped away with a whoosh. Even though Yan Xi wasn't wearing a seat belt, he sat very securely.

"Gu Jinluo completely meets your standard of being a beauty hunter. He is obviously very sexually interested in you." Regarding this matter, Zhong Manyao was still a little angry, wasting her expression that night.

"I've never been erotic, and he has absolutely no interest in me. My relationship with him is very pure." Yan Xi's tone was a bit serious, don't associate her with Gu Jinluo anymore, it made her feel aggrieved It feels like she didn't do anything!

"You don't have to hide it." Of course Zhong Manyao didn't believe it. Even though the relationship was pure before, after that night, it probably wasn't pure anymore.

"I didn't hide it, you can do whatever you want." Yan Xi didn't want to talk about such a topic.

After nearly half an hour's drive, Zhong Manyao drove out of the East District to a place where fish and dragons mixed together in the West District.

The area around Lizi Street has the highest crime rate in Jingyang City.

Zhong Manyao took out a box and opened it. There was a special pistol inside. Dozens of special bullets were neatly laid out. These bullets were not ordinary bullets, but equivalent to micro-injectors.

"Do you know what this is?" Zhong Manyao took out a bullet and held it up.

"I don't know." Yan Xi looked at it, and there was a little ice-blue liquid in the bullet.

"It has a very beautiful name, Youlan No. 10. It only needs one drop to be injected into the blood, and it can quickly integrate and spread. It can make people lose their movements within one second, and can make people unconscious within three seconds. Six hours. However, these are not the key point. The key point is the headache after waking up, accompanied by short-term amnesia, and memory loss within [-] minutes to an hour before coma. One month has passed, and no one can remember half a year before coma. It is not clear whether the things within an hour will be remembered suddenly in the future. If the dose is too much, it will damage the nerves, and even lead to memory confusion and mental disorders. "

Zhong Manyao loaded the bullets into the pistol one by one.

"And then?" Yan Xi asked, Zhong Manyao called her, what is she doing here?
"Find a few bastards to practice your hands. After a while, there is a very important thing that needs you." Zhong Manyao handed over the pistol.

"Can you tell me in advance?" Yan Xi took the pistol, Nick sent Zhong Manyao, and she could only obey Zhong Manyao for the time being.

"You will know later." Zhong Manyao got out of the car.

The two walked into a very lively bar. Most of the people who came here were people from the West District. Most of the women had bright makeup and revealing clothes, and most of the men wore exaggerated clothes and tattoos.

The music was deafening, the men and women on the dance floor were very excited, and many of them were on drugs.

The two went to the bar as usual, ordered a glass of wine, and then observed all kinds of people in the bar.

"Is it necessary?" Yan Xi felt that it was too noisy, she practiced her hands, she felt that there was no need to look for trouble here, she didn't want to show her face, presumably Zhong Manyao didn't want to show her face.

"Of course there is, you can try its effect." Zhong Manyao said, anyway, since I have nothing to do, it is necessary to get to know Yan Xi.

"I believe in its effect." Yan Xi guessed in his heart that this was a new product of Ante Dick.

"Why don't you go back and try it yourself." Zhong Manyao joked.

Yan Xi ignored her, she wanted Zhong Manyao to try.

(End of this chapter)

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