I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 467 Watching the Meteor Shower 09

Chapter 467 Watching the Meteor Shower 09
Zhong Manyao's cell phone rang: "I'm going out to answer a call, wait for me here."

After Zhong Manyao left, Yan Xi was alone, and soon a man came over to strike up a conversation.

Single women who come to this kind of place, as long as they are not extremely ugly, will usually be approached by men.

Two burly men stood on either side of Yan Xi, one on the left and one on the right.

"Beauty, are you alone?" The man with yellow hair asked teasingly.

"No." Yan Xi didn't look at the two of them, but just played with the wine glass.

"I'd like to buy you a drink," said another man with a tattoo on his arm.

"I don't drink." Yan Xi's tone was cold.

"Then I'll buy you a glass of water." The man with yellow hair continued.

"I'm not thirsty." Yan Xi got up and left.

The two men reached out their hands at the same time to stop Yan Xi.

The yellow-haired man threatened, "What if I must buy you a drink?"

Yan Xi looked at the two of them and said, "Okay, where are we going to drink?"

The two men looked at each other with a green light and a smile in their eyes.

Going to the private room on the second floor, the tattooed man locked the door of the private room.

The two men had sinister smiles on their faces, and looked at the woman in front of them bewitchingly, feeling more and more excited as they watched.

"Who will come first, or come together?" Yan Xi took off his coat and threw it on the table.

The two men were stunned for a moment, and then laughed wildly. They didn't expect this woman to be so submissive, so they thought they had to use force.

The two approached Yan Xi step by step.

The yellow-haired man slowly stretched out his thick hands, intending to hook Yan Xi's back of the neck.

Yan Xi didn't dodge, he suddenly grabbed Huang Fa's arm and kicked the tattooed man down.

what!The two men screamed at the same time.

The tattooed man covered his abdomen and squatted on the ground. The yellow-haired man's arms were bent in a strange posture, causing his face to twist in pain.

Immediately afterwards, there were incessant fists, feet and screams.

There is a bottle of vodka on the cabinet, and you can tell it is a low-quality fake wine without looking.

Yan Xi unscrewed the bottle cap, stepped on the yellow-haired man's chest, and poured wine into his mouth.

The yellow-haired man kept coughing fiercely, his throat was burning, his face was flushed red, and tears were streaming down his face.

After filling half the bottle, I gave the remaining half bottle to the tattooed man.

The two men were coughing and screaming, with tears and snot all over their faces.

Yan Xi took out his pistol and quickly shot one of them. The special bullet hit his arm, and the sound of the gun was almost unnoticeable.

Within two seconds, the two were silent, motionless, and then fell into a coma.

Yan Xi pulled out the bullet from their arms, it was a micro-syringe, it did not cause any wounds, only a little red spot like a needle, and the blue liquid in the bullet was gone.

The phone vibrated and Yan Xi answered the call.

"Are you going to bed?" Lan Muge was lying on the bed, he wanted to sleep with her and say good night together.

"not yet."

"What are you doing?" Lan Muge looked at the time, it was already eleven o'clock.

"I was out."

"Outside? What's the matter?" Lan Muge instantly raised his spirits.

"Hang out with a friend." That counts as play.

"What friend? Male or female?" Lan Muge regretted after asking, how could he question her so stingily.


"Are you a good friend? Next time we go out for dinner, introduce me." Lan Muge said, never knowing what friends she had, he should meet her friends.

"I'll talk about it later." Yan Xi thought to himself, there is no need to introduce you, you already know her, she is your ex-girlfriend.

"When are you going back, I can come to pick you up." Lan Muge sat up, although he knew that she had a high force value, but it didn't mean he was assured that she was still outside so late.

"No, she came by car, we should go back soon."

"Okay then, call me when you get home." Lan Muge was a little disappointed, and suddenly missed her very much.

"I'll send you a message." Yan Xi said, the phone call might take a long time.

"Alright, I'll wait for your message." Lan Muge's voice was sexy and long.

"See you."

"Goodbye." Lan Muge waited until she hung up, he looked at the ceiling boredly, waiting was a long and painful thing.

(End of this chapter)

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