I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 468 Watching the Meteor Shower 10

Chapter 468 Watching the Meteor Shower 10
Yan Xi put away the pistol and bullets, picked up his coat, put it on, and left the private room.

Going to the bar, Zhong Manyao has already gone back and forth.

"Where did you go?" Zhong Manyao asked, making her wait for so long.

"Two people invited me to drink, but in the end, I bought them." Yan Xi said expressionlessly.

"Who?" Zhong Manyao looked at her suspiciously.

"People who wanted to have sex with me, but in the end, Youlan No. [-] had sex with them." Yan Xi said, as for whether it would cause amnesia after waking up, she didn't have time to wait for six hours.

The corners of Zhong Manyao's lips twitched. A sullen woman like Yan Xi has a cold exterior, but is actually full of yellow inside. This kind of homeboy and homegirl who often faces the computer should have watched a lot of adult videos.

Back in the car, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

"How's your skill? How's your marksmanship?" Zhong Manyao asked while driving.

"It's okay. Return the pistol to you." Yan Xi handed the pistol forward.

"Here, I believe you may need it soon." Zhong Manyao smiled mysteriously.

Yan Xi didn't ask any questions, but put away the pistol, this thing is worth studying.

"It's still early, go to Club No. [-] to play." Zhong Manyao looked at the time, it was only eleven o'clock.

"I'm not going." Yan Xi said, presumably Duan Xunge had already impressed her deeply, and Youlan No. [-] couldn't solve it.

"Go and familiarize yourself with the environment, you may need to use Youlan No. [-] there." Zhong Manyao's tone was a bit strange.

"Because of my relationship with Lan Muge, Duan Xunge recognizes me." Yan Xi said, does Zhong Manyao mean that Youlan No. [-] will be used on Duan Xunge?

Zhong Manyao didn't say anything anymore, before returning to the East District, Zhong Manyao parked the car on the side of the road.

"Goodbye." Zhong Manyao unlocked the back seat door.

Yan Xi's face darkened, he opened the door and got out of the car.

Zhong Manyao drove away in a hurry.

Yan Xi had no choice but to call a taxi to go back to Tianhe Xiaoyuan.

Back home, Yan Xi sent Lan Muge a text message.

After Lan Muge received the message, she was a little excited, and replied in seconds: Are you going to take a shower and go to sleep?

Yan Xi also replied in seconds: Well, good night.

Lan Muge reluctantly said good night again.


In the afternoon of the next day, Lan Muge checked the time, and there was still more than an hour before he got off work, but he decided to leave work early.

"Yan Xi, what are you doing?" Lan Muge called her again.

"I'm running." Yan Xi turned on the hands-free mode.

"Where to run?" Lan Muge asked, the gym?Or in a stadium or a park?
"The treadmill at home."

"Oh, let's go out for dinner tonight and then go to the movies, shall we?" Lan Muge's lazy voice carried a hint of coquettishness.

Yan Xi almost slipped off the treadmill, and said two words with great difficulty: "Yes."

Lan Muge smiled, he hadn't seen a movie with her yet: "I'll pick you up at about six o'clock, don't worry, I can go to your house and wait for you."

"Well, goodbye." Yan Xi turned off the treadmill, then went to take a shower and change clothes.

After hanging up the line, Lan Muge was in a great mood, and asked the secretary to come in and give some orders.

The secretary is all smiles. Recently, the president is not only active in his work, but also very friendly, smiling all the time, and even his subordinates feel at ease. After all, no one wants to deal with a boss who is uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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