I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 469 The Love Heats Up 01

Chapter 469 The Love Heats Up 01
After explaining the work, Lan Muge called to book a private room. Now that they have officially become a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, there is no need to deliberately choose a place with a lively atmosphere. Even if there is no topic, it will not be embarrassing, but it is very emotional.

After booking a seat, he bought movie tickets online. He guessed that she didn't like watching romance movies and comedies. , she must not like it.

He guessed that he should like action movies and suspense movies, so he chose a suspense movie, which happened to be produced by Xingyu Film and Television.

The suspense film is a little scary, maybe it can scare her, and then he can give her a hug.

Lan Muge's fantasy is very beautiful.

It was almost time, Lan Muge went into the lounge and changed into a set of clothes.

Lan Muge drove to Tianhe Xiaoyuan and called her: "Yan Xi, it's downstairs at your house, can I go up and wait for you?"

"I'm coming down now, you wait for me for 2 minutes." Yan Xi hung up after finishing speaking.

Lan Muge was a little disappointed, why didn't she let him go to her house?
She is not the kind of person who underestimates herself, so she should not reject him because of her living environment.

She is not the kind of hypocritical or shy person, and she should not reject him because of the incompatibility between men and women.

If it was because she said before that living alone and the house was a bit messy, she could clean it up before letting him go up, but she never did.

He couldn't think of any reason.

In less than 2 minutes, Yan Xi came down. Today he was wearing a white silk top, paired with black high-waist trousers, and silver high-heeled shoes, simple yet elegant.

"I realized that you don't like wearing skirts." Lan Muge looked at her, and only saw her wear a skirt once. A long time ago, at Lu Li's reception, she remembered that she wore a black skirt.

"It's troublesome to wear a skirt." Yan Xi never wears a skirt, except for certain necessary occasions.

"That's right, but you look good in trousers too, and it suits you very well." Lan Muge opened the passenger's car door for her.

"Thank you." Yan Xi got into the car.

Lan Muge got into the driver's seat, closed the car door, approached her suddenly, and kissed her on the lips.

Yan Xi sat motionless with a strange expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" Lan Muge looked at her with burning eyes, did he scare her?
"I just put on lipstick." Yan Xi said, don't do this kind of sneak attack again, in fact, she can avoid it, but she doesn't want to hurt his self-esteem.

"I don't mind." Lan Muge smiled, then took out a tissue and wiped her mouth, it was indeed a little red.

Yan Xi's lips twitched and he stopped talking.

Only then did Lan Muge start the car and drive away.

It is the rush hour for get off work, and it takes about 10 minutes to get to the restaurant.

Lan Muge booked a private room, which was full of ultra-modern romantic feelings.

On the square table, there are polished tableware, and in the center of the table is a transparent glass vase, still a branch of blue rose.

Yan Xi noticed this blue rose, did he order it on purpose?
Lan Muge pulled out a chair for her very gentlemanly: "Miss Yan Xi, please sit down."

"Thank you." Yan Xi sat down and put his bag aside.

"It's my honor. Order, what do you want to eat?" Lan Muge sat opposite her, and opened the menu.

After ordering the meal, after the waiter went out, the two started chatting.

(End of this chapter)

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