I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 470 The Love Heats Up 02

Chapter 470 The Love Heats Up 02
Lan Muge kept looking at her, and suddenly felt that the dining table in the private room was a bit big, and it was a bit far away from her.

"How is it?" Yan Xi felt uncomfortable with his eyes, so stop looking at her with those eyes.

"You are very beautiful today." Lan Muge felt more and more excited as he watched, he didn't mind eating her lipstick at all.

"Thank you." That's all Yan Xi could say.

"Yan Xi, I found out that you always say thank you to me and others, is it your habit, or are you being too polite to me?" Lan Muge had discovered it a long time ago, but it hadn't developed before. As for the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, he didn't ask.

"It's a kind of politeness, and it's also a habit." Yan Xi didn't think there was anything wrong, it wasn't polite, it was just an ordinary sentence.

"Can you minimize the number of times you say thank you to me? Because it will make me feel too polite and alienated." Lan Muge expressed her thoughts. She is usually very ladylike, elegant and polite, which is etiquette and self-cultivation , but he is not an outsider, he and she need more emotional communication.

"I try my best, but habits are hard to change." Yan Xi also understands that Lan Muge's behavior is very casual, and with his status, there is really no need to say thank you.

"Okay. What do you think I have shortcomings, or what you don't like about me, it doesn't matter, you can say it directly." He thinks couples should be honest with each other, and correct each other's shortcomings when necessary.

"You're fine, very fine. I haven't noticed any shortcomings in you yet." Yan Xi's words were not perfunctory. Even if Lan Muge had any shortcomings, she was not in a position to criticize him.

"You will make me ashamed if you say that. In fact, I have a bad temper and have many bad records. My dad often says that I am thin-lipped and arrogant. If you think there is something wrong with me, you must say it." Lan Muge said seriously, he cared about her opinion very much.

"En." Yan Xi responded, which was definitely perfunctory.

After dinner, Lan Muge and she went to the cinema to watch a movie.

The nine o'clock show, although today is not a weekend, but this time period is the peak time for watching movies.

"Yan Xi, do you want coke or juice? Or coffee and green tea?" Lan Muge was buying drinks and popcorn, so watching a movie would be more atmospheric.

"Juice, do you eat popcorn? I won't eat it." Yan Xi stated in advance that if he bought it, Lan Muge would have to finish it by himself. Of course, he could waste a bucket of popcorn.

"I don't like popcorn too much, so I won't buy it. There are watermelon juice, orange juice, coconut juice, and a special honey grapefruit juice. What do you want?" Lan Muge has seen a series of juices .

"Grapefruit juice." Yan Xi chose it without hesitation, she prefers the taste of grapefruit.

"Then I want grapefruit juice too." Lan Muge bought two glasses of grapefruit juice.

After buying the drinks, there were still 10 minutes until the screening time, so the two went to the screening room to wait.

Lan Muge had already bought tickets at five o'clock in the afternoon. Even though the seat in the center of the screening room was the best place to watch the movie, he didn't choose it, and deliberately chose the seat at the back.

Usually, Lan Muge would never go to a movie theater. He only went there a few times when he was young, but he had no interest and didn't like watching movies very much.

(End of this chapter)

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