I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 471 The Love Heats Up 03

Chapter 471 The Love Heats Up 03
And, even if he wants to watch a movie, the projection room at home is as good as the movie theater.

When it was time for the screening, the audience in the projection room occupied more than half of all the seats, all the lights were turned off, and a portrait slowly emerged on the super-large screen.

It has been shown, the plot is complicated and confusing, all suspense and speculation, but there is no surprise.

Lan Muge was a little disappointed. When she bought the ticket, she clearly saw that the film review said it was a bit scary, but now it's not scary at all, at least she wasn't frightened at all.

Lan Muge glanced at her quietly, she seemed to be watching a movie very seriously.

The plot twists and turns are bizarre, and many people are discussing the plot quietly, guessing who is the murderer.

"Yanxi." Lan Muge called her quietly.

"Huh?" Yan Xi responded, but still stared at the screen intently.

Lan Muge looked at her side face, the perfect outline, her narrow and thick eyebrows, focused eyes, high nose, the lipstick on her lips was already a little thin, it should have been wiped off during dinner.

"Yan Xi, look over here."

"What's wrong..." Yan Xi turned to look at him.

Before she finished speaking, Lan Muge quickly kissed her, and then looked at her with a smile.

Yan Xi didn't respond, he turned his head silently and continued watching the movie.

Lan Muge couldn't read her expression, no, it should be expressionless.

So, he made the next move, reached out secretly, took her hand, and then slowly tilted his body until he was next to her side, and his head touched her hair.

Yan Xi's voice was low and calm: "There are surveillance cameras in the projection room, and the night vision effect is excellent. The surveillance personnel can see everyone's every move."

Lan Muge smiled nonchalantly, and whispered in her ear, "I don't mind being envied by them."

Yan Xi had a strange expression on his face, and said, "I mind."

Hearing this, Lan Muge had no choice but to care about her feelings very much.

So, Lan Muge dawdled reluctantly, then slowly moved away, and sat upright, but still holding her left hand, he didn't believe that the surveillance personnel could still see it.

Yan Xi slowly pulled out his left hand, and said calmly, "Hand is numb."

Lan Muge glanced at her quietly. She was joking, but she still didn't want him to hold her hand. They never held hands when they were together.

"I can rub it for you." Lan Muge reached out again, held her hand, and rubbed it gently.

"It's not numb anymore." Yan Xi withdrew his hand again, and stopped making such strange movements towards her.

Lan Muge is at a loss again, doesn't she like holding hands?He was looking forward to walking hand in hand with her in the woods, and he didn't mind doing things that he thought were boring before.

Lan Muge's mind wasn't on watching movies at all, he was thinking about her, so he took a sip of grapefruit juice.

Yan Xi looked sideways at him slowly.

"What's wrong?" Lan Muge looked at her.

"You took it wrong." Yan Xi's voice was very gentle, this cup was hers, and his was on the other side!
Lan Muge was stunned for a moment, looked at the grapefruit juice in his hand, and then smiled: "It's okay."

As he spoke, he continued to take two sips.

Yan Xi was speechless, turned his head silently, and continued watching the movie.

After almost two hours, the movie was over.

"Do you still want to drink grapefruit juice? There is still a lot." Before leaving, Lan Muge handed her the grapefruit juice.

"I drank a lot just now, and I'm still a little full." Yan Xi took the grapefruit juice, but stopped drinking it.

Walked out of the screening room and threw the grapefruit juice into the trash can.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and Lan Muge drove her home.

Going to Tianhe Xiaoyuan, even though Yan Xi said goodbye to him before getting out of the car, he still got out of the car.

"Yanxi, goodnight kiss." Lan Muge hugged her and kissed her lips.

"Good night." Yan Xi looked at the face close at hand, unable to describe her complicated mood at the moment.

Lan Muge kissed her again, and then let her go.

Yan Xi walked away quickly. Ever since she knew that Lan Muge was a virgin, he was just a big boy. It was really difficult for her to feel any passion for his kiss, and she was somewhat resistant psychologically.


(End of this chapter)

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