I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 473 The Love Heats Up 05

Chapter 473 The Love Heats Up 05
Before it was six o'clock, Ye Piaopiao and Qin Hao were about to go to the colorful square.

Qin Hao was driving when he suddenly remembered something: "Did you explain to Yan Xi what happened to Fang Qing'er last time?"

"Not yet." Ye Piaopiao didn't really want to explain, it was like covering up for Qin Hao, although he was indeed innocent.

"Why didn't you explain to her? I'd be so embarrassed to see her soon." Qin Hao was very depressed. Although Yan Xi couldn't tell right from wrong and was very indifferent, who knew how she thought of others in her heart.

"You explain to her yourself." Ye Piaopiao said, Yan Xi never asked her about this matter afterwards, Yan Xi always ignored foreign matters.

"No way, how do you want me to talk?" Qin Hao quit immediately, he didn't know Yan Xi well, and he was a man, so he wanted to cover up this kind of thing with a woman!
"Then don't explain it. If you explain it, it will get darker and darker." Ye Piaopiao didn't bother to say it.

"No, she will always look at me with tinted glasses, and my image is gone." Qin Hao is very concerned about his image, he has basically sold himself to Shengshi Group, in case Yanxi really becomes the wife of the president one day.

At six o'clock in the evening on weekends, during the peak traffic period, there is some traffic jam in the colorful square.

A very eye-catching red Ferrari was parked on the side of the road, and most people would take a second look.

Qin Hao also took a look. It was the same model as the limited edition car Lan Shao often drove. It was rare to see it. When he saw the license plate number, it was really Lan Muge!

"Is that Yan Xi?" Ye Piaopiao also looked at the Ferrari, she was inevitably a little surprised when she saw the person coming out of the car.

"Yan Xi?" Qin Hao was shocked. How could Yan Xi be with Lan Muge?
Until he saw Yan Xi walking into the colorful square and the Ferrari galloping away, Qin Hao still had a look of disbelief.

The car behind honked its horn, and Qin Hao reacted, and drove into the parking lot of the colorful square.

After parking the car, Ye Piaopiao received a text message from Yan Xi: No. 19 table.

"Who drove Yan Xi here in a Ferrari?" Ye Piaopiao felt strange, that Ferrari was a limited edition, and even if he had money, he couldn't buy it.

Qin Hao couldn't help but admire Yan Xi, Yan Xi is a very powerful person, the CEO definitely likes Yan Xi, and Lan Shao also seems to have some interest in Yan Xi.

Yan Xi's family background is average, so he doesn't necessarily have outstanding talent, he looks pretty, and his temperament is not bad.

It's not that he underestimated Yan Xi, but Yan Xi was far behind Song Yixue and Han Mengli.

From his point of view as a man, an ordinary but indifferent woman like Yan Xi is very boring. With Yan Xi's conditions, it is easy to find a boyfriend, but it is difficult to find a boyfriend who knows how to appreciate her.

Qin Hao and Ye Piaopiao went to the restaurant and found table No.19.

Ye Piaopiao glanced at Yan Xi, of course she was very curious about who sent Yan Xi here just now, but Yan Xi rarely talked about private matters.

"What's wrong?" Yan Xi noticed Ye Piaopiao's eyes.

"Just now outside the square, we saw you get off the bus, who brought you here?" Ye Piaopiao asked casually.

"A friend." Yan Xi mentioned it briefly, if they saw it, Qin Hao would know it was Lan Muge, but Qin Hao didn't tell Piao Piao, and she didn't want to explain.

Ye Piaopiao didn't ask any more questions, and it was obvious that Yan Xi didn't want to talk too much, either he was an unimportant friend, or he was a male friend who had an affair.

(End of this chapter)

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