I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 474 The Love Heats Up 06

Chapter 474 The Love Heats Up 06
Qin Hao didn't think so, Yan Xi knew that he knew Lan Muge, but he didn't say it out, so did Yan Xi deliberately conceal it?
Should he casually disclose this to the president?

Recently, the president has commuted to and from get off work on time as always, without showing any negative emotions. He can't guess the mood of the president at all.

However, in the past, Lan Muge often came to see the president, but since Yan Xi left, Lan Muge hadn't been here.

This has to make people wonder, Lan Muge pried the corner of the president, and the two turned against each other?

He was very puzzled, Lan Muge was famous, and the president kept himself clean, how could Yan Xi give up on the president?

It is almost certain that even if Yan Xi and Lan Muge are together, Lan Muge will break up with Yan Xi sooner or later.

But there is a fact that has to be admitted, although the president has a high IQ, his EQ is definitely not as good as Lan Muge's.

Lan Muge is a well-known playboy, but his reputation is very good. Unlike a dude like Han Ziming, in three or two days, a certain actress or supermodel scolded Han Ziming, and broke the entertainment news that he was deceived and abandoned by Han Ziming.

It's not because Lan Muge deliberately destroyed his negative news, but because no ex-girlfriend has ever troubled Lan Muge, even if they broke up, they didn't get entangled.

It can be seen that Lan Muge's emotional intelligence is extremely high.

In other words, Lan Muge's girlfriends are all very talkative. It can be said that Lan Muge has a unique vision, which is also a manifestation of emotional intelligence.

"Yan Xi, are you busy recently?" Qin Hao chatted.

"Not busy." Yan Xi glanced at Qin Hao, and said straight, in fact, Qin Hao didn't need to beat around the bush.

"I thought you were busy looking for a job. You seem to have been resting for almost half a month." Qin Hao said, the new secretary has not yet been recruited, and he has been giving Yan Xi a chance.

"I plan to rest for a few months." Yan Xi said, she was busy with other things.

Qin Hao lost his mind in an instant, he couldn't take over the secretary's job for a few months.

No matter whether it is possible for Yan Xi and the president, there is one more important thing that needs to be explained clearly.

Qin Hao made an expression, and said, "Yanxi, the last time you saw Fang Qing'er, I knew her father, and her father was the chairman of Fengmao Enterprise. I met her once at a banquet a long time ago. She actually He has severe hallucinations and some mental problems, speaks nonsense, speaks indiscriminately, always lies and slanders others, and has persecution paranoia."

"What Fang Qing'er?" Yan Xi was puzzled.

Qin Hao was speechless for two seconds. He was very tired talking to Yan Xi, and he didn't know how the CEO could bear it.

Qin Hao acted as calmly as possible: "It's the girl you met last time when you and Piao Piao went to the bathroom."

"Oh." Yan Xi replied, as if he understood the meaning.

Qin Hao's heart was hurt, what did she mean by oh?Did he not speak clearly enough, or did she not believe it?
Ye Piaopiao looked at the time: "The flower has not arrived yet, do you want to call him and ask him?"

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

Huacuo walked into the restaurant and saw Ye Piaopiao and others with a glance.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Hua Cuo naturally sat beside Yan Xi.

"Yan Xi was the first to arrive, and then we arrived, and we didn't have to wait long. You order." Ye Piaopiao pushed the menu card to Hua Cuo.

"Isn't Xiaoxia coming?" Hua Cuo opened the menu and ordered according to everyone's taste.

"I went to city B with my classmates, and they said they were going to soak in the hot springs." Ye Piaopiao picked up the teapot and poured a glass of water for each of them.

(End of this chapter)

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