I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 475 The Love Heats Up 07

Chapter 475 The Love Heats Up 07
Hua Miu quickly chose the dishes and asked the waiter to come and place the order.

Qin Hao started chatting again: "Hua Cuo, I heard from Piao Piao that you resigned yesterday, why did you resign suddenly?"

"Not suddenly, I wanted to resign a long time ago." Hua Cuo picked up the water glass to drink water.

"Why did you resign?" Qin Hao asked calmly. Yan Xi resigned at the first step, but left at the wrong end. I don't know if there is any connection between the two?

"The work is boring, the monthly salary is too low, the benefits are mediocre, and there is no room for advancement at all..." Hua Cuo can give countless reasons.

The corner of Qin Hao's lips twitched, did Hua Cuo deliberately play tricks on him?It's not because of his psychology, but because he must have made a mistake.

Ye Piaopiao looked at Qin Hao and said, "I'll talk about work as soon as I come here, do you want to introduce jobs to the two of them?"

"No, I'm just a little bit reluctant for them to leave the company. The position of secretary to the president is still vacant for the time being. I'm going to be very busy." Qin Hao showed a troubled expression.

Yan Xi listened but did not hear, and believed that it would not be difficult to recruit a secretary to the president.

"Piao Piao, haven't you recruited the president's secretary?" Hua Cuo asked, as the manager of the human resources department, Piao Piao should be very clear.

"It's not up to me. You have to pass Qin Hao's level first, and then the president's level. The previous secretary to the president was directly selected from the clerks in the administration department. The former secretary to the president recommended Tian Na, but the former secretary Tian Na He Yanxi's qualifications are not high, and one is going abroad for further study, and the other is resigning, so they may not be able to find a suitable one for a while." Ye Piaopiao expressed helplessness.

Hua Cuo understood clearly that the so-called recruitment of a new secretary could not pass Qin Hao's test at all, and Gu Jinluo was indifferent, acquiescing to Qin Hao's disregard of public and private affairs. means.

"But then again, Yan Xi, Qin Hao, is it difficult to serve the president?" Ye Piaopiao asked, both of them had served the president before.

"No." Yan Xi and Qin Hao said in unison, and looked at each other after they finished speaking.

"Then why are you so picky about recruiting a secretary? I remember that there are several applicants who are more suitable, with high education and work experience. One is a doctoral student, one is a returnee, and one named Yuan Ying is very beautiful. Yan, it is more suitable for her to go to the public relations department, of course, the others are all beautiful." Ye Piaopiao said.

It wasn't that she deliberately chose a beautiful secretary, but she had the same educational background and work experience. Of course she had to choose a beautiful one, not to mention making the CEO attractive. Even if the CEO went out to work or attended some banquet, of course he needed a beautiful female secretary.

"The president's requirement is first of all to be competent at the job." Qin Hao laughed, the president fell in love with Yan Xi, which shows that the president's vision is very unique.

"Could it be that none of these are up to the job?" Hua looked at Qin Hao wrongly.

"Each has its advantages and disadvantages, and it needs to be assessed." Qin Hao is not a vegetarian, so he replied in a neutral manner.

"Do you need a good-looking secretary who has a Ph.D degree, is a returnee, has work experience? It has all the advantages in one, and it's really hard to find." Hua Cuo said in a strange tone.

"You don't know the president. The president doesn't pay much attention to academic qualifications and appearance, but to work ability and personality. It is best to be calm, calm, tight-lipped, and have good professional ethics." Qin Hao added in his heart, just A cold person like Yan Xi, no, it is Yan Xi himself.

(End of this chapter)

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