I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 483 The Love Heats Up 15

Chapter 483 The Love Heats Up 15
"Look at my skin, it's very fair." Mo Yan looked at her profile, waiting for her to look over.

Yan Xi looked sideways at his face, and saw his amber eyes, which were bright even in the night.

Although Mo Yan was not outstanding, his face was white and his eyes were full of a gentle smile, staring into her eyes.

The two looked at each other and walked unknowingly to the last step of the stairs.

Yan Xi stepped down the last step and walked steadily to the flat ground.

Mo Yan kept looking at her, not knowing that it was the last level, and it was pitch black, but he stepped on the wrong foot, almost fell down, and his posture was slightly embarrassed.

Yan Xi smiled secretly.

Mo Yan stood up in frustration, looked up at her, and saw that her face was as usual, did she mislead him just now on purpose, or was it unintentional?

"It's too dark to see." Mo Yan's tone was a little annoyed.

Yan Xi didn't speak, because he was not familiar with him after all.

Walking out of the factory building, the autumn wind blew outside, and the clouds in the night sky were blown away, revealing a bright moon, and the moonlight sprinkled on the cracked concrete floor.

Mo Yan glanced at her before walking towards his car.

Yan Xi got into Zhong Manyao's car, took out his phone and looked, there were several unread messages, all sent by Lan Muge.

Yan Xi replied to the message: I'm outside and I'm going back.

Lan Muge replied in seconds: Still outside so late?What's matter?

Yan Xi replied: Come out to play with friends.

Lan Muge's psychology is at play again: What kind of friend?
Yan Xi thought to himself, your ex-girlfriend, reply: That friend from last time.

When Lan Muge saw the message, she couldn't help but despise her jealousy. Last time she said that this friend was a woman.

It was almost early morning when Zhong Manyao drove back to the urban area.

Zhong Manyao left Yan Xi on the side of the road because she was not on the way.

Yan Xi had no choice but to take a taxi back by himself.

Yan Xi sat in the back seat of the taxi.

The driver is a somewhat fat middle-aged man, he glances at the interior mirror from time to time.

Yan Xi noticed that the driver was looking at her, and his eyes were not friendly.

It was almost one o'clock in the morning when we arrived at Tianhe Xiaoyuan.

Yan Xi reached into his pocket and found that there was no cash on him.

"35 yuan." The driver parked the car beside the road, turned on the interior lights, and kept looking at Yan Xi through the interior mirror.

"I don't have cash with me, can I pay with my mobile phone?" Yan Xi took out his mobile phone and saw the payment QR code on the back of the front seat.

The driver didn't agree immediately, but looked outside. It was one o'clock in the morning, and there was no one around.

The driver looked at Yan Xi lustfully, and laughed, "If you let me touch your butt, I won't charge you."

The corner of Yan Xi's lips twitched, and he asked inexplicably, "Touch my butt, will you get any pleasure?"

The driver thought she agreed, his eyes lit up immediately, and he smiled: "Just let me touch it, anyway, you're not losing money."

Yan Xi had already paid successfully, ignored the driver, just looked at the complaint information on the back of the seat, and then got off the car.

The driver drove away resentfully.

Yan Xi walked into Tianhe Xiaoyuan and dialed the complaint number: "The taxi driver with the license plate number JY5348, named Zhang XX, just now he said that if he touches my butt, he won't charge my fare. How do you deal with it?"

"What? There is such a thing! We will warn Zhang XX immediately, and the company will consider revoking his passenger qualification. If the matter is serious, it will be handed over to the Public Security Bureau. Thank you for your complaint! We will definitely deal with it!" The customer service staff sincerely said Said.


(End of this chapter)

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