I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 484 The Love Heats Up 16

Chapter 484 The Love Heats Up 16
On Thursday evening, Gu Jinluo brought up the idea of ​​returning home from get off work.

Gu Jinluo changed into a formal evening dress and waited in the living room.

After a while, Bai Shaohua came downstairs. She was wearing a dark green dress, a light silk shawl, and fine diamond accessories.

"If you don't want to go, then don't go." Bai Shaohua said softly, this morning her son suddenly said that he would accompany her to attend tonight, and she didn't want to get angry with him because of such a trivial matter.

"It's okay, I can accompany you." Gu Jinluo took the car keys.

"I don't have to go either." Bai Shaohua was no longer in this mood. There was nothing more important than her son, and she never wanted to force him.

"I want to go now. It's getting late. I'll go to the garage to pick up the car." Gu Jinluo left first.

Bai Shaohua sighed slightly, at this moment she couldn't figure out what her son was thinking, did he just want to accompany her to attend, or did he really want to go?
Nearly eight o'clock, go to the Blue Ocean Building.

The ball started at 07:30, and almost all the invited guests were present, but Gu Jinluo was late.

Mrs. Han and Han Mengli came to greet her in person.

Mrs. Han has always lived in seclusion, and she has a calm personality. In addition, her husband has loved her for more than [-] years, and her daughter is smart and well-behaved. The only thing that worries her is her son, but as time goes by, she also looks away.

"Shaohua, you are here." Madam Han's beautiful face showed joy.

"I was delayed for a while because of something, and there was another traffic jam on the road, so I was a little late." Bai Shaohua also approached enthusiastically, not just to exchange greetings, but sincerely.

"Not too late, not too late." Mrs. Han smiled.

"Aunt Han." Gu Jinluo greeted.

"Well, I haven't seen Jin Luo for a long time." Mrs. Han became more and more satisfied as she watched, but it was a pity that Jin Luo didn't seem to have that kind of interest in Meng Li. She was very relieved to give her daughter to Jin Luo, but she didn't know Is there such a chance.

"Mengli is so beautiful today." Bai Shaohua looked at Han Mengli lovingly. Mengli has been delicate and beautiful since she was a child, like a little princess.

"Auntie has won the prize. Auntie is more beautiful today." Han Mengli smiled. She liked and admired her aunt more than her mother. It wasn't that she didn't love her mother, but that her mother was too weak, and she lived in her father's doting all her life. If she loses her father's favor, to put it harshly, her mother is nothing.

"If you young people go to dance, we won't participate." Bai Shaohua said, and then left with Mrs. Han.

Mrs. Han is naturally very happy, Shaohua recognized Mengli as her daughter-in-law, and the Han family can be regarded as superior to the Gu family.

Leaving Gu Jinluo and Han Mengli behind, the scene was instantly cold.

Han Mengli is wearing a small red dress today, wearing silver accessories, which set off her skin like snow, her makeup is slightly brighter, her bright red lips are like the color of cherries, a little less pure and pretty than before, and a little more mature and look.

Gu Jinluo didn't pay attention to Han Mengli who was next to him, but just looked around the venue, but he didn't see the person he wanted to see, didn't Mu Ge come?
Han Mengli forced a smile, his silence hurt her, today she deliberately changed her dress style, and even imitated Yan Xi's dress that night.

"Miss Han, excuse me first." Gu Jinluo walked away with graceful steps.

Han Mengli couldn't say a word, and what was finally waiting was his departure. Her deliberate dress today seemed like a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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