I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 492 Relationship Transformation 04

Chapter 492 Relationship Transformation 04
Lan Muge didn't return home until 08:30 in the evening.

Duan Yingfei sat on the sofa in the hall and watched TV, still watching the news broadcast.

"Are you on a date again today?"

"Play with Aluo and Yixue." Lan Muge sat on the sofa casually, leaning against the back of the sofa chair.

"You're with Yan Xi, does Jin Luo have any objections?" Duan Yingfei felt that Jin Luo took her relationship more seriously, unlike her son who was so half-hearted. If Jin Luo liked Yan Xi, she should be very serious. .

"So what if he has an opinion? Yan Xi doesn't like him at all, and their personalities are totally incompatible. They can't be together. It's not my interference, but their own problems. A Luo has no reason to blame me. But I I also understand that he will be angry, and today is a reconciliation."

"That's good. But Jin Luo seems to be 27 years old, why is she still single?" Duan Yingfei remembered that Jin Luo was the same age as her son.

Lan Muge spread his arms, expressing that he had no solution.

"Bai Shaohua likes Han Mengli of the Han family very much. It seems that he intends to seduce Jin Luo. I have also met Han Mengli a few times, and he is indeed talented and good-looking. I am not belittling Yan Xi, but just a pertinent sentence. In terms of various factors, Han Mengli is better than Han Mengli. Yan Xi is excellent, and Jin Luo's personality is more suitable, why isn't Jin Luo with Han Mengli?" Duan Yingfei said, although it was Jin Luo's fucking idea, Han Mengli is really good.

"If you don't like it, there's nothing you can do. You can't force things about your relationship." Lan Muge said, she asked A Luo this question before, and A Luo said very seriously that she and Han Mengli are just ordinary friends.

Duan Yingfei can also understand that if you like this kind of thing, sometimes you don't like it even if your personality is compatible. If you like it, you can tolerate the other person's personality differences and flaws.

Lan Muge took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that there was no news from her.

"I have a very troubling question."

"What's the problem?" Duan Yingfei glanced at his son.

"Yan Xi never takes the initiative to contact me. Even if she is free, or where she is going to play, or what friends she has dated, she will not take the initiative to tell me unless I ask her."

"Are you really sure that she likes you?" Duan Yingfei has always wondered how much Yan Xi likes her son to give up Jin Luo, an extraordinary man?

"Of course! I can feel that she likes me. She knows my hobbies, what I like to eat, can even tell me my height and weight, what size I wear, and even notices myself I haven't noticed any little habits. Moreover, every time I date her, she will almost agree, unless she has something to do." Lan Muge is still very confident.

"Then why didn't she take the initiative to contact you?" Duan Yingfei felt strange. From what his son said, Yan Xi probably liked him a little bit.

"I thought before, is it because of her personality? She is a little alienated and indifferent to people. Even after getting acquainted with each other, she will not show great enthusiasm. This is very similar to Arlo. But I am different, We are boyfriend and girlfriend, I hope she will be warmer to me." Lan Muge was very depressed, she never took the initiative to hug him or kiss him.

"Are there other reasons?" Duan Yingfei asked, personality is a very important reason, but it should not be the root cause.

(End of this chapter)

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