I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 493 Relationship Transformation 05

Chapter 493 Relationship Transformation 05
"There is another reason that troubles me. I feel that my own sense of existence is very low, and she has no demands on me. I don't know if she has encountered any difficult problems at ordinary times. She has never needed to use my There is no need for each other, no factors to support and encourage each other. There is no talk about ideals and life plans, and it seems that the future cannot be seen." This makes the relationship between them superficial and thin, as if it will end at any time.

"Perhaps she knows that you are cynical, and it is useless to tell you. If you really like her and have the idea of ​​working with her for a lifetime, then you must first have ideals and a specific life plan." Duan Yingfei is very happy to see her Cheng, she has no objection to her son being cynical and rebellious all his life, but she hopes that his son will be mature and stable, get married and start a career.

"I don't have any great ideals. Maybe Yanxi is my ideal now. As for life planning, I have been planning since I was born. Although you and Dad have not restricted my life, my career planning is very clear. I know The family business must be taken over, and the family spirit must be passed on. As for the marriage plan, I have no more ideas."

He is a little absurd and wanton, but he clearly knows what he is doing.

He is very grateful to his parents as his strong backing, and the spirit and wealth endowed by his family, which enabled him to squander his life recklessly and achieve success more easily.

At the same time, as much power and glory is gained, so much responsibility and pressure must be borne.

He took over the family business with great pride and prudence. He dare not confidently say that he can bring the family business to another peak, but he will never let the family business lose in his hands.


On Sunday, the temperature has dropped a little today, it has reached the end of autumn, and winter is coming.

Lan Muge brought Yan Xi to Fenglin near Nanshan Fenglin themed restaurant.

When I came here with Aloyxue yesterday, I found a very beautiful scenery here.

There is a cordon in Fenglin, tourists are not allowed to cross the fence, but who is Lan Muge?Don't talk about crossing the cordon, even if you want to cross this stretch of Nanshan.

Lan Muge made a phone call, and staff came immediately, and opened the iron gate of the fence, and the non-tourist area was outside.

The staff reminded: "Be careful of snakes."

Lan Muge didn't take it seriously. At this time, the snakes had gone to hibernate.

Lan Muge took her to the depths of the remote maple forest, far away from the tourist area, very quiet and deep.

There are thick maple leaves all over the ground, and the branches and leaves of the maple trees are overgrown. This is not a tourist area. Of course, no one cleans the leaves, and no one trims the branches.

There is no end to the dense maple forest, which has the artistic conception of winding paths leading to seclusion.

"Be careful, the leaves here are very thick, you may step on the air. I will lead you along." Lan Muge slowed down his pace, reached out and grabbed her hand.

"No need." Yan Xi was about to withdraw his hand, but Lan Muge grabbed it even tighter.

"Don't let go, don't you think it's romantic and poetic to hold hands and walk in the mysterious maple forest?" Lan Muge looked happy, usually she wouldn't let him hold hands, how could she let go of such a good opportunity today.

Yan Xi was silent, since he thought it was poetic, let it be poetic.

After walking for about 15 minutes, I saw a meandering creek, the water was not deep, and I could see the stones at the bottom of the water, some of which were out of the water.

(End of this chapter)

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