I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 502 The Identity Becomes a Mystery 04

Chapter 502 The Identity Becomes a Mystery 04
Professor Yang looks about 60 years old, sitting on an office chair. Although his hair is a little gray, he is very healthy and energetic.

"Professor Yang, hello." Hua Cuo greeted very politely.

"You said you picked up a meteorite just now? Take it out and have a look." Of course, Professor Yang doesn't believe it, but he might as well take a look.

Hua Cuo opened the plastic crisper, and then unwrapped layers of newspapers, revealing a gray-red stone with a unique shape.

Professor Yang put on his glasses, looked at the stone, then looked up at Hua Cuo, and said in a deep voice, "Young man, do you think I'm blind?"

"I knew I couldn't hide from Professor Yang's piercing eyes. In fact, this is a stone I picked up from the side of the road. I borrow it to meet you. I'm sorry." Hua Cuo sincerely apologized.

"Meet me? What's the matter?" Professor Yang sized Hua wrong up and down. He didn't look like a bad guy, but a bad guy was never seen.

"Excuse me, do you know Mr. Words?" Hua Cuo asked solemnly.

"Words..." Professor Yang was silent for a moment, his expression gradually becoming a little heavy.

Seeing Professor Yang's expression, Hua Cuo already guessed that he knew him.

"Who are you? Why do you ask about words?" Professor Yang slowly leaned back against the back of the chair.

"My surname is Hua. When I was young, I met Mr. Yanci and his wife, Ms. Yan. I haven't seen each other for almost 20 years. I only learned that they both passed away last year. I respect them very much and hope to understand their deeds and past. .” Hua Cuo’s expression also became heavy.

"What's your relationship with Yanci and his wife? We met when we were young, but we haven't seen each other for 20 years. What's worthy of your respect?" Professor Yang looked skeptical.

"It didn't matter before, but now it does. Because now, their daughter and I...are in love." When Huacuo told this lie, she instantly felt physically and mentally uncomfortable. The person she fell in love with was Lan Mu song.

Professor Yang looked shocked. He knew that Yanci had a baby daughter, but he had never seen it. After the accident of Yanci and his wife, several colleagues wanted to meet Yanci's daughter, but it was a pity that they heard that Yanci's daughter had gone abroad.

"Sit." Professor Yang's attitude changed a bit.

"Thank you." Hua mistakenly sat down on the chair in front of the desk.

"Tell me, what's the matter." Professor Yang turned his eyes around Hua Cuo a few times. This young man might become the son-in-law of Yan Ci.

"Did Yan Xi come here when Mr. Yan Ci was working here?" Hua Cuo asked.

"Yanxi? What's the name of Yanci's daughter?" Professor Yang couldn't remember, maybe Yanci hadn't been mentioned, it's been six or seven years, so I can't remember clearly.

"Yanxi, Fuxi's Xi." He kept silently thinking that she was a fat girl.

"Why didn't she come with you?" Professor Yang also wanted to meet.

"I'm afraid that she will be hurt by the scene. The death of her parents has hit her hard. Although so many years have passed, she has been..." Hua Cuo deliberately said ambiguously, but he didn't know what was going on in her heart.

Professor Yang showed an understanding expression. Yan Ci's daughter was only [-] or [-] years old, and her parents died suddenly. I am afraid it would be difficult to bear the blow.

"It seems that I have never seen Yanci's daughter. I don't know if other people in the bureau have seen it. We are not very familiar with Yanci, and we don't have a deep relationship. Yanci is not an official employee of Jingyang City Geological Survey Bureau. He is a provincial Distinguished researcher and geologist. He only comes to work when he is out on a field trip or when necessary, and there is no fixed time, and sometimes he does not come once in a few months." Professor Yang said.

(End of this chapter)

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