I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 503 The Identity Becomes a Mystery 05

Chapter 503 The Identity Becomes a Mystery 05
"Has Yan Xi been here since the death of Mr. Yan Ci?" Hua Cuo asked again. The husband and wife of Yan Ci passed away suddenly. She might come to sort out the belongings and deal with the funeral.

"Probably not. If she came, I should know. It seems that no one has come to take away the relics left by the words." Professor Yang thought about it. He has a good memory and doesn't remember it.

"Can you tell me something about Mr. Words and his wife?" Hua Cuo asked.

"I don't know much. Yanci doesn't talk much. He is serious and rigorous about his work. He is full of wisdom. Yanyu is a historian working in the Academy of Social Sciences. He occasionally cooperates with the Geological Survey Bureau. Both of them are very knowledgeable. Talented and knowledgeable..." Professor Yang recalled slowly.

"Do you know if Mr. Words and Ms. Words are related?" Hua Cuo asked, the time was too long to find out the birth and origin of Words and Words.

"I haven't heard of it. Everyone seems to have asked words and words why their names are so similar. It seems that they are all orphans and their names were given by the people who adopted them." Professor Yang vaguely remembered such a thing.

"Do you know the cause and effect of their accident? Was there anyone else with them at the time?" Hua Cuo asked. Since the accident happened in a remote mountainous area in the Middle East, it was difficult to find out the specific situation.

"This matter has nothing to do with the Geological Survey Bureau. There is no assigned task in the bureau. The words and words are for the interest of going out to investigate. The couple often travel around the world, sometimes for several weeks. So we don't know the situation at that time. The news of the death of the two people was passed down from the Ministry of Land and Resources, and we were all shocked and regretful when we learned about it. As for the reasons for the death of the two people, their bodies and relics, etc., they are not clear at all, and even the funeral was not held." Professor Yang thought about it seriously. At that time, Yan Ci's daughter was only seventeen or eighteen years old and had no relatives. If there were no close friends, no one would organize the funeral.

Hua Cuo fell into deep thought. It seemed to be just an unfortunate accident, but there were many things that were unclear.

"Are there any items left by Mr. Words here, or papers and manuscripts?" It's been six or seven years, and even if there were, they might have been thrown away.

"They're all geological reports, and laymen can't understand them. I don't know if they are still there. Follow me to find them." Professor Yang got up slowly.

Hua Cuo followed Professor Yang out of the office and went to a storage room on the fifth floor.

Pushing open the door, the windows are closed all year round, the room is a little dark, and the air is full of dusty smell.

Professor Yang pressed the light switch, and the room brightened up.

There are several rows of shelves in this storage room, and the shelves are full of large and small cardboard boxes. The cartons are labeled. Most of the boxes contain report papers that are no longer useful. They are not thrown away in case they are useful in the future, anyway. out of the way.

"I don't know if I threw it away. Look for it. It should be labeled with words." Professor Yang pushed his glasses, his eyes are not working well.

Hua mistakenly checked two rows of shelves and found it. The word "words" was written on the dusty label.

Hua took down the box by mistake: "Professor Yang, is this it?"

Professor Yang walked over and took a look: "It should be, break the seal."

Huacuo tore the seal, and opened the box with trepidation.

(End of this chapter)

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