I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 516 Identity Exposure 08

Chapter 516 Identity Exposure 08
Yan Xi couldn't help guessing that this batch of arms most likely came from the Este family in Italy.

Then the person who made the arms deal with Duan Xunge may be Hess Este, the heir of the Este family.

Don't let her worry too much now, copy the file to the USB flash drive.

While waiting for the copying process, there were still a few seconds before a slight movement came from the living room outside. If she heard correctly, it was the sound of the door unlocking.

After copying, Yan Xi unplugged the USB drive, turned off the phone, and quickly went up to the bedroom on the second floor.

Press the unlock password, but the unlocking fails?
Yan Xi's expression changed, who betrayed her?
You can't go out here, you can only go out through the main entrance on the second floor.

Yan Xi left to go back to the downstairs office, only opened the door of the office, and met the person outside the door.

Both of them shot subconsciously, and the two immediately fought.

Even though the room was very dark, Yan Xi could still recognize this person, it was Duan Xunge!
It is estimated that Duan Xunge has been waiting for her outside the door!

Duan Xunge's moves were ruthless, his strike was as fast as lightning, and he kicked Yan Xi's stomach.

Yan Xihou was forced to take a few steps back and bumped into the desk behind her. She knew that she was not Duan Xunge's opponent, so she immediately pointed her gun at Duan Xunge.

But it was still a moment late, and the gun in Duan Xun's singer was already pointing at Yan Xi's head.

Yan Xi's expression was cold, he turned the gun in the other direction, and handed it to Duan Xunge, who gave up.

Duan Xunge raised his eyebrows, then took the pistol: "Do you have anything to say?"

"Zhong Manyao from Antidick sent me, or rather, Nick, to steal information about arms deals." Yan Xi took out the USB flash drive, put it on the desk, and pushed it in front of Duan Xunge.

"Are all the people in Ante Dick so cowardly?" Duan Xunge said contemptuously, and before she forced a confession, all the people in Ante Dick recruited.

Yan Xi didn't speak, she was never from Antidick.

Duan Xunge turned on the light, and the office brightened up instantly. He took out the clips from Yan Xi's pistol, and the special-made bullets landed on the desk. There was a little ice blue in the center of the bullets.

"what is this?"

"Youlan No. 10 should be a new product of Antetic. It can make people lose their movements in one second, and fall into a coma in three seconds. Memory loss. Of course, it varies from person to person." As for the consequences of overdose, Yan Xi didn't say anything.

"Tell me, what should I do with you?" Duan Xunge's red lips were filled with a playful smile. She never agreed that confession should be lenient, so Yan Xi's confession was useless, and she preferred torture to extract confessions.

"I want to negotiate a deal with you." Yan Xi's eyes were dark, she had no choice but to do so.

"What qualifications do you have to negotiate a deal with me?" Duan Xunge sneered, this woman is just Ante Dick's pawn.

"I used to steal business secrets for Ante Dick. Ante Dick secretly conducted illegal research and illegal transactions. Drugs are flowing into Jingyang City. The first thing Ante Dick has to deal with is the Duan family."

The Duan family almost monopolized the entertainment venues in the city, and when drugs flowed into the market, the Duan family had to overcome this difficulty first.

"It's not so wise to be a double agent. You can betray Ante Dick today, and you can betray me tomorrow." Of course, Duan Xunge will not easily trust a stranger, let alone an enemy pawn.

"I have never been loyal to Ante Dick, nor will I be loyal to you, how can I betray?"

"Who the hell are you?" Duan Xunge's eyes were sharp, and he raised his pistol again to point at Yan Xi's head.

(End of this chapter)

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