I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 517 Identity Exposure 09

Chapter 517 Identity Exposure 09
"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that this deal is beneficial to you. I have nothing. No matter where I flee, I believe you still have a hundred ways to kill me." Yan Xi never Underestimate Duan Xunge's means.

"What's your purpose?" Duan Xunge examined Yan Xi, any motive has a purpose.

"Find out Ante Dick's conspiracy."

"What conspiracy?" Duan Xunge's eyes flashed with suspicion, and he couldn't find out whether Yan Xi's words were true or not.

"I don't know, that's why I have to check." Yan Xi said.

"Okay, I'll trust you for now." Duan Xunge put away her pistol, she didn't care about any conspiracy, Ante Dick's headquarters is in country Y, and its subsidiaries are all over the world, she doesn't care what happens to Ante Dick in country Y, but Jingyang Jingyang City is her territory, and she wants Ante Dick to disappear in Jingyang City, and even in the country!

"How did you find me?" Yan Xi asked, Duan Xunge's appearance was obviously premeditated, the upstairs door lock code was invalid, Duan Xunge trapped her here on purpose.

"I just received a message from an unknown person." So she turned back, obviously, someone wanted to use her hand to kill Yan Xi.

Yan Xi's eyes darkened, who is it?Zhong Manyao?Inkstone?Or Feng Yi?

"Before the deal is completed, I hope you are still alive." Duan Xunge put the special bullets back into the magazine one by one. She doesn't care about Yan Xi's life or death, she only cares about her interests.

"Tell me." Yan Xi glanced at Duan Xunge, what plan does Duan Xunge have?
Duan Xunge has no specific plan for the time being, let Yan Xi complete the task and go back first, gain the trust of Ante Dick, so that he can use Yan Xi to inquire about Ante Dick's secrets in the future.

"Let me ask you the last question. Is this the purpose of your being together with Lan Muge?" Duan Xunge picked up the USB flash drive on the desktop.

"Yes." Yan Xi's voice was low, if she denied it, it would appear that she was hypocritical.

"Take it." Duan Xunge pushed back the USB flash drive and the pistol and returned them to Yan Xi.

Yan Xi instantly understood that the arms information she stole was false, or half-truth.

"You can go." Duan Xunge glanced at the door.

Yan Xi had a doubt in his heart, Duan Xunge let her go so easily?She was not allowed to think at the moment, so she picked up the pistol and USB flash drive and left.

When Yan Xi walked to the door of the office, he couldn't help but pause.

A large number of bodyguards stood outside, and there was one person... Lan Muge.

Lan Muge was still wearing a nightgown, exuding a cold aura all over her body, her face was terribly gloomy, and she looked at her with cold eyes.

Yan Xi stared at him blankly, since he heard everything, she didn't have to hide it.

Finally, Yan Xi walked out of the door and walked past him.

Listening to the footsteps behind him disappearing, Lan Muge still stood motionless, the raging anger and pain in his heart invaded his whole body.

She knew Nick and Zhong Manyao from the beginning, and everything she did with him was just her conspiracy and hypocrisy!
Compared to Zhong Manyao's lies, she is the real liar!
Duan Xunge walked out of the office and waved his hand to signal the bodyguards to leave.

"Don't worry, after the matter is over, I won't kill her, you come and kill her." Duan Xunge said, her younger brother was cheated by someone, and as her own sister, see how kind she is to her younger brother.

Lan Muge pursed his lips tightly and did not speak. His anger and pain did not cover up his reason, so she just left without saying a word?

(End of this chapter)

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