I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 524 Identity Exposure 16

Chapter 524 Identity Exposure 16
"Do you have any tasks recently?" Yan Xi glanced at him.

"No, my salary is not high. I don't know when I can pay off the debt. Even if I pay off the debt, I probably won't be able to get away. I know so many illegal secrets of Ante Dick." Mo Yan's face was full of pain and Fear.

"When did you start working for Ante Dick?"

"It started last year, how about you?" Mo Yan looked at her.

"About two years."

"You're really amazing. You became a sixth-level employee in less than two years." Mo Yan was a little surprised. How did she gain the trust of Ante Dick?
"I've known Nick for four years and he hired me two years ago."

"No wonder, do you have a good relationship with Nick?" Mo Yan asked, Ante Dick will not easily recruit an employee, the level determines the authority and remuneration, the higher the level, the higher the confidentiality authority.

Yan Xi didn't answer.

Moyan understood a little bit that no matter how good the relationship was, it was just a relationship of interests. To be more realistic, these employees were just tools of Ante Dick.

"Recently Zhong Manyao sent me a mission, I would like to ask you for help, the fee can be negotiated." Yan Xi stated his intention directly.

"What task?" Mo Yan looked at her in surprise and doubt.

"Check the identities of the two people. I've searched for a long time, but I can't find out the real identities of the two people." Yan Xi took out two photos from his pocket, put them on the table and pushed them to Moyan.

Mo Yan looked at the two people in the photo, but the photos he took casually were so handsome, he hated these two people.

"I, my force value...is very low, how can I help you?" Mo Yan was a little hesitant and embarrassed, some unfairness is determined by genes, and it is really hard to change.

"Since the identities of the two cannot be found out, why not arrest them directly, torture them to extract confessions, and hypnotize them." Yan Xi said.

"Is that so? Zhong Manyao wants you to track down their identities, so they must be difficult. If their willpower is strong, I can't hypnotize them at all." Mo Yan's face was full of embarrassment.

"Just now you said that you can use some drugs such as thiopental or amitropine. You can increase the dose, or you can get some drugs that are being tested from the laboratory of Anterdick. I don't think it is difficult."

"But, how did you catch them?" Mo Yan showed worry on his face, not knowing what method she used and what her strength was.

Yan Xi looked at him and said, "You don't have to worry about this, I have my own solution."

"Here, how much will you pay me?" Mo Yan's expression was still a little hesitant. As a debtor, you can't talk about love when talking about money.

"Flip the photo." Yan Xi glanced at the photo.

Mo Yan flipped the photo over, and there was a string of numbers written on the back of the photo. It was a very impressive number, and she had paid so much for him alone. So how much did she get for her usual missions?
Mo Yan thought for a while, then agreed: "That's fine. When do you want to act?"

Yan Xi said, "I'll let you know when the time comes."

After dinner, the two walked out of the restaurant, and it was already dark outside.

"It's still early, why don't we go for a walk, or go to the mall." Mo Yan looked at her quietly, it was cold outside, and it would be warmer in the mall.

"No, I have something else to do, bye." Yan Xi left, it's useless to just chat, she's not good at small talk, and she's not interested in making an appointment with Mo Yan.

Mo Yan was very depressed and thought she was just having a meal with him, but unexpectedly it was just to discuss something.


Yan Xi returned home, turned on the computer, and continued to check Mo Yan's cell phone, waiting for Mo Yan to make any move.

On the night of Halloween, Mo Yan was the most suspected person who betrayed her, but no motive could be found for Mo Yan.

Until [-]:[-], the program automatically stole an outgoing encrypted email.

The recipient's address is hidden, so it is impossible to trace who the email was sent to.

Click to open the email content: Zhong Manyao has assigned a task to Yan Xi, and Yan Xi is investigating your identities.

Yan Xi's face changed slightly, and he had already guessed who the recipient of this email was, which was completely unexpected for her.


(End of this chapter)

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