I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 525 Identity Exposure 17

Chapter 525 Identity Exposure 17
Mo Yan lives alone in a dilapidated rental house, his life is very monotonous, except for missions, he always stays in the house.

With his status, he doesn't have any friends, let alone a girlfriend. He usually logs on to social networking sites and chats with girls.

Today is Friday, at four o'clock in the afternoon, Mo Yan is bored with his mobile phone to browse Moments.

Suddenly there is a message prompt.

Mo Yan immediately clicked on the message and took a look: See you at the abandoned factory at [-]:[-] pm, we have a secret discussion, just you and me.

Mo Yan felt strange, can't you say it on the phone?Can't it be said elsewhere?Why do you have to go to an abandoned factory so far away?

Until [-]:[-], Mo Yan changed his clothes and went out.

He probably was discussing what happened last time. Did she already have a plan?
Mo Yan thought for a while, took out her phone, and sent an email.

At ten past six, Mo Yan went to the abandoned factory.

It was already dark at six o'clock in the evening, and today's cloudy day made the factory look particularly desolate and gloomy.

I couldn't see where Yan Xi was.

Suddenly I heard the sound of snapping my fingers, which was very clear in the empty and silent factory.

Mo Yan looked up and saw Yan Xi in the window on the third floor. She was wearing a long black coat. The walls of the factory building were dilapidated and the glass of the window was broken.

Mo Yan suddenly had a strange feeling in her heart. It was pitch black behind her, and the cold wind was blowing. She stood there like a devil in a cloudy sky.

Mo Yan shivered, and walked into the workshop with a feeling of apprehension.

Going to an office on the third floor, Mo Yan walked in, the office was a bit dark, no one could be seen.

Suddenly something pressed against his back. Although he was wearing a thick coat, he knew exactly what it was.

"Don't move, raise your hands." Yan Xi held the pistol in one hand against his back, and held the tape in the other.

"Speak well, I will never resist, don't shoot." Mo Yan raised his hands in panic.

Yan Xi wrapped his hands with film, and tied him to the iron pipe on the wall.

Mo Yan couldn't move, and his face was pitiful: "Why are you doing this to me?"

Yan Xi didn't say a word, but just found the phone from him, easily unlocked the lock screen, logged into his mailbox, and found another encrypted email, which had just been sent and hadn't been deleted yet.

"What is this?" Yan Xi held up the phone in front of him.

"..." Mo Yan was dumbfounded for a moment, and looked at her in horror, only then did he realize that he was cheated, she went out to eat with him that day, and what she said to investigate two people was to test him!
"Don't say it? Then don't blame me for using violence." Yan Xi picked up a table leg, the length of which can be used as a wooden stick.

"Don't! Don't! I admit that I have disclosed your information, but I was forced to!" Mo Yan looked distressed, and his tone revealed deep helplessness.

forced?Yan Xi didn't believe it at all.

"What's the relationship between you and Yun Su and Hua Cuo?" Yan Xi threw down his phone, Mo Yan probably knew the identities of the two of them at all.

"It's okay, I hate them the most." Mo Yan's tone was a bit sour, the two were tall and handsome.

"Don't try to fool me casually, I don't have much patience." Yan Xi was in no mood to listen to nonsense.

"Actually, I have no conflict of interest with you. We are all for money. I have disclosed your information, but I have never harmed you, and I will not harm you." Mo Yan said very sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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