I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 526 Identity Exposure 18

Chapter 526 Identity Exposure 18
"Have you sent a message to Duan Xunge?" Yan Xi asked, if she had no chips at that time, Duan Xunge would never have let her go!
"Why should I send a message to Duan Xunge? What message?" Mo Yan looked at her in bewilderment.

Yan Xi looked at him sharply, there was no evidence to judge whether his words were true or not, if it wasn't Moyan, then who was it?

Mo Yan seemed to have thought of something, the sudden cancellation of the operation on Halloween night, could it be related to this?
"I have nothing to do with Duan Xunge, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Then what about Yun Su and Hua Cuo?"

"I, they are..." Mo Yan hesitated, the matter was so important that he couldn't say it out, even if he did, he didn't believe that Yan Xi would let him go.

Suddenly there was a movement from outside the window, it wasn't the wind, it should be the movement from downstairs.

Yan Xi immediately sealed Mo Yan's mouth with tape, then went to the window to take a look in the dark.

Two people came.

Yan Xi looked at Mo Yan coldly.

Mo Yan couldn't speak with his eyes open, he already guessed that someone is coming, who is here?

Yan Xi walked up to Mo Yan, raised his pistol and pointed it at his head.

Mo Yan shook his head in horror, his mouth was sealed, and he could only make a weak murmur.

Yan Xi put away his pistol, walked out of the office, and went to the second floor.

Suddenly thought of something, Yan Xi took off the necklace around his neck, found an obvious pillar, and hung the necklace on the nail on the pillar.

Yan Xi looked around and found a place to hide.


Mo Yan was sweating profusely, and struggled to break free. His hands and feet were wrapped in tape, and he couldn't find anything to cut the tape.

Who came outside, why did Yan Xi seem very vigilant?
When he went out, he sent a message to Yun Su, but he didn't mention the specific address, so it shouldn't be Yun Su, who is Yan Xi wary of?

He didn't heave a sigh of relief until Yun Su appeared in front of him, tore off the tape on his mouth, and cut the tape on his wrist.

"How did you find this place?" Mo Yan looked at Yun Su in surprise.

Yun Su's face was expressionless, he just glanced at Mo Yan and signaled him to shut up.

Mo Yan reluctantly shut up, why is Yun Su giving orders every time.

Yun Su stuffed him with a pistol, and said in a low voice, "Hua Mi is downstairs, split up and find her."

Mo Yan took the pistol, holding the weapon would give him a sense of security, but the other party was Yan Xi who had threatened him just now, so his sense of security dropped a little.

Yun Su made a gesture to point Mo Yan in the direction, and then the two split up.

It was less than seven o'clock, and the sky gradually darkened.

The factory building looks even darker, dilapidated concrete pillars, a silver necklace hung on a rusty nail, and the shining cross is particularly eye-catching.

Hua Cuo reached out to take down the necklace, feeling extremely heavy in her heart.

Suddenly aware of the movement behind him, Hua Cuo subconsciously turned around to look, and at the same time raised his pistol.

However, when he saw who was coming, Hua Cuo looked at her with complicated eyes, and pointed at her with a pistol tightly in his hand.

The pistol in Yan Xi's hand was also pointing at him.

"Who are you?" Hua Cuo's voice was hoarse, and she didn't call out her name.

"Aren't you very clear?" Yan Xi asked back.

"I don't know, I never knew, do you always think I have an attempt?" Hua Cuo asked in disbelief.

"Isn't it?" Yan Xi looked at the necklace in his hand, he had been deliberately approaching her, and there was a tracking device hidden in the necklace, keeping track of her whereabouts at all times.

(End of this chapter)

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