I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 528 Identity Exposure 20

Chapter 528 Identity Exposure 20
Now things froze again.

Yan Xi looked into Hua Cuo's eyes, and finally, she put down the gun first.

Hua Cuo was also looking at her. There were too many doubts and complicated emotions in his eyes. Even though he was still full of doubts about her identity when she put down the gun, it was undeniable that he cared very much.

Yan Xi left first again.

The gun in Zhong Manyao's hand was still pointing at Yun Su, and she left with Yan Xi, and didn't put down the gun until they reached the stairs.

After the two left completely, Mo Yan secretly heaved a sigh of relief, with a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

"Why let her go?" Yun Su looked at Hua Cuo disapprovingly, where did Hua Cuo get the confidence that Yan Xi would not shoot?
"A person who is willing to bet her life with you, do you think she will give in?" Hua Cuo said, no matter what her real identity is, no matter whether she has been deceiving him or not, her temperament cannot be faked.

Yun Su frowned, he didn't know if Yan Xi would give in, but Hua Cuo lost his reason in this matter, this is his fatal weakness.

"What's going on?" Hua looked at Mo Yan wrongly. Now that Mo Yan's identity has been exposed, he can no longer return to Ante Dick, which has had a serious impact on this mission.

"Yan Xi found out that I was in contact with you. She is proficient in computer technology and found out the encrypted email I sent to Yunsu." Mo Yan was very depressed. His mobile phone system is specially made, and normally it is difficult to break through. I don't know her How to do it, he doesn't know much about computer technology.

Yun Su's face was cold, and he said, "Destroy the phone, change all the clothes on your body, and hide first."

Mo Yan knew that Yan Xi could probably track the location of his cell phone, or put a tiny tracker somewhere on his body.

Now that Ante Dick knows that he is a traitor, he will definitely hunt him down. He finally worked as an undercover agent in Ante Dick for a year, but was exposed by Yan Xi, even though Yan Xi didn't know his real identity. .

It was completely dark, and the night sky was overwhelmed by dark clouds, completely covering the moon.

The three left the factory, and the car was parked in a hidden place outside the factory.

Yun Su took out the car key and found that the car's tires were flat, and all four tires were flat.

A closer look revealed that every tire had been punctured.

"Zhong Manyao must have done it!" Mo Yan looked angry, only Zhong Manyao could do such a thing!
Yun Su had no choice but to call the car repairman to change the tire.

It took more than an hour to get back to the residence.

Walking into Yun Su and Hua Cuo's residence, Mo Yan complained in his heart that it was unfair, why did they live in a high-end residence, and he had to live in a dilapidated rental house?
Yunsu started his laptop, connected a dedicated line, and reported the situation about Moyan. Moyan's latent mission for this year had completely failed, and Nick was already tracking down his identity with Huacuo. The situation was very bad.

"Moyan's identity has been exposed, but the specific identity should not be revealed. A 24-year-old woman named Yan Xi, may be a pseudonym, she is proficient in computer technology, and is a sixth-level employee of Ante Dick. Her real identity has not been found out. The information shows that she is from Jingyang City, her parents died, but according to the investigation, she has no blood relationship with her parents, so she is probably impersonating..." Yun Su said, but the real Yan Xi could not be found.

"Wait a minute, what are her parents' names?" The voice on the dedicated line was calm and heavy, and it could be heard that she was already a little old.

"Words, words." Yun Su said, two very similar names.

"Don't touch Yanxi, don't hurt her, I will come to Jingyang City." Nie Shen was a little excited, and solemnly confessed.

"Understood." Yun Su didn't understand why, but obeyed the order.

After hanging up the line, Hua Cuo and Mo Yan were waiting for Yun Su to speak, especially Mo Yan, who had failed the undercover mission.

Yun Su glanced at Hua Cuo, maybe Hua Cuo's intuition was right: "The director has no task for Mo Yan for the time being, he just said don't touch Yan Xi, don't hurt her, the director will come to Jingyang City."

Hua Cuo was a little surprised and didn't understand what it meant: "Why?"

"I don't know." Yun Su closed his laptop. From what the director said just now, he could hear that the director should know Yan Xi.

"Why did the chief come to Jingyang City in person?" Mo Yan was a little surprised. The task of investigating the criminal evidence of Ante Dick was important, but it was unexpected that the chief would do it himself.

Yun Su didn't speak, he guessed it was because of Yan Xi, who is Yan Xi?


(End of this chapter)

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