I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 529 Confidential Leakage 01

Chapter 529 Confidential Leakage 01
Back in the urban area, this time Zhong Manyao didn't just leave Yan Xi on the side of the road.

Regarding the matter of Zhong Manyao deliberately puncturing the tires of the car just now, it refreshed Yan Xi's view of Zhong Manyao again.

"Why did you appear?" Yan Xi's eyes flashed suspiciously, who informed Zhong Manyao, or how did Zhong Manyao know?

"I have long suspected Mo Yan's identity, but it has not been confirmed, so I put a micro-tracking device in his height-enhancing insole, how did you find out Mo Yan's identity?" Zhong Manyao was also very puzzled.

"I hacked into his mobile phone system and found that he received or sent encrypted emails many times, revealing our actions." Of course, Yan Xi would not say anything else.

"Will you treat my phone like this?" Zhong Manyao smiled strangely.

"Are you suspicious?" Yan Xi asked instead.

Zhong Manyao's eyes darkened. What she hated the most were these hackers who hide in the dark without showing their expressions.

"What is Mo Yan's identity?"

"I don't know, he is in the same group as Yun Su and Hua Cuo." Yan Xi looked out the window at night.

"I'll explain this to Nick. You continue to track down their identities and tell me immediately if you have any results." Zhong Manyao parked on the side of the road and unlocked the back seat door.

Yan Xi opened the car door and got out of the car, don't expect Zhong Manyao to take her home.


Saturday morning.

Yesterday was still cloudy, today is sunny, the weather in November is starting to cool down, and winter is about to enter, sometimes hot and cold.

"Mu Ge, are you free today or tomorrow?" Song Yixue called him, it was rare for her to be free this weekend.

"Is there a problem?"

"I want to ask you to play ball with Arlo, or go hiking. The weather is really nice today."

"You guys go, I'm not going." He was free, but not in the mood.

"Why? Do you have a date with Miss Yan?" Song Yixue secretly guessed in her heart, wondering how far Mu Ge and Yan Xi have developed?
For this question, Lan Muge has not responded, the silence is so panicky.

"Mu Ge? Are you there?" Song Yixue didn't hear his voice for a long time.

"what's up?"

"Since you don't go, A Luo and I have no interest, then you go on a date with Miss Yan." Song Yixue teased, she was quite happy to see Mu Ge and Yan Xi succeed.

"Don't mention her." Lan Muge's voice was a little gloomy. The so-called date was all just her conspiracy to get close to him.

"What?" Song Yixue was taken aback, and Mu Ge's tone seemed a little angry.

"I'm not with her anymore, don't mention her anymore." Lan Muge's voice suppressed anger and pain, maybe it wasn't that we were not together anymore, but that we had never been together.

"..." Song Yixue was a little shocked, she didn't know what to say for a while, Mu Ge and Yan Xi broke up?

Song Yixue was about to say something, but there was no sound on the phone. She took down the phone and saw that Mu Ge had hung up.

It was really unpredictable. At the beginning, Mu Ge was so serious and determined, she almost believed it was true, and finally broke up.

Suddenly, Song Yixue suddenly thought of something, why did Mu Ge and Yan Xi break up?
Just now she asked if Mu Ge was free, but Mu Ge just said he couldn't go, that is, Mu Ge was free, but didn't go?
Why didn't Mu Ge go?
She can't help but think of the bad, is it because of Arlo?

The more Song Yixue thought about it, the more sad and flustered she became. Is it possible for Ah Luo to be with Yan Xi?

(End of this chapter)

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