I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 530 Confidential Leakage 02

Chapter 530 Confidential Leakage 02
Song Yixue picked up the phone hesitantly, dialed A Luo's number, and got connected after a while.

"Alo, good morning, did I bother you?"

"No, good morning."

"Are you free today? It seems like we haven't played together for a long time."

"Is Mu Ge coming too?" Gu Jinluo asked, Mu Ge refused to play with him last week.

"I called him just now, and he couldn't tell. He broke up with Ms. Yan and was still in love. He seemed a little angry. He probably wasn't in the mood to play." Song Yixue said casually, but her heart was very disturbed.

"..." Gu Jinluo was a little unexpected, but within expectations, Mu Ge finally broke up with her?

"Ah Luo?" Song Yixue couldn't hear the sound, she couldn't figure out what his silence meant.

"Do you know why they broke up?" Gu Jinluo calmed down. Who proposed the breakup?Mu Ge has a new love?So will she be sad?
"I don't know..." Song Yixue's heart skipped a beat, A Luo didn't know that Mu Ge and Yan Xi had broken up?She deliberately mentioned it to A Luo, didn't she tell A Luo indirectly.

With A Luo's indifferent personality, if A Luo didn't care, he wouldn't ask why they broke up, but A Luo asked, does it mean that A Luo still likes Yanxi?
"I have something to do today, I'll make an appointment next time." If there's nothing else to do, he won't be alone with Yixue, after all Yixue is a public figure now, he needs to avoid suspicion.

"Okay, goodbye." Song Yixue reluctantly maintained her indifference, if A Luo had something to do today, wouldn't she just ask Mu Ge to come too?

It means that if Mu Ge also comes, he will come.

Apparently, Arlo is free today and isn't coming.

Song Yixue felt a little regretful, she shouldn't have made this phone call to test A Luo, now that A Luo knows that Mu Ge and Yan Xi broke up, will she pursue Yan Xi?

After hanging up, Gu Jinluo's mood was a bit complicated. There was even a trace of excitement and anticipation. Does it mean that he still has a chance to redeem himself?

Looking at the familiar number in the phone, he has not contacted her for a long time, and has not seen her for a long time.

He didn't dare to call her in an instant, but he had no way of knowing her current situation and news.

Apart from telephone contact, he has no other way of contacting her, and he doesn't know her email address, social account, game account and so on.

After thinking for a moment, Gu Jinluo dialed a number: "Have you seen Yan Xi recently?"

"No, I haven't seen her for a long time." Qin Hao was a little surprised. Recently, the president's mood was calm, and he thought that the president and Yan Xi had nothing to say, but unexpectedly the president asked.

"Has she looked for another job?"

"I don't know." Qin Hao thought something bad was going on. It turned out that the president was still thinking about Yan Xi. He just selected a new secretary yesterday. He is in the training period and will be able to take office in a week.

"Can you figure it out?" Gu Jinluo was very dissatisfied with Qin Hao's answer.

"Here, I'll try my best." Qin Hao was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't refuse the order from his boss.

After hanging up, Qin Hao called Ye Piaopiao and invited everyone to have a meal tonight or tomorrow. It's been a long time since we got together.

"Okay, I'll ask them later." Ye Piaopiao said, since Yan Xi and Huacuo left, they have lost a lot of contact, and Yan Xi's personality is indifferent, and he never takes the initiative to contact friends if it is not necessary.

"Have Yan Xi and Hua Cuo both found jobs?" Qin Hao asked.

"Yan Xi said no, I don't know what to do with the wrong flowers, are you going to introduce them to jobs again?"

"It's fine if the flowers are wrong, but if Yan Xi is willing, I can introduce her a job." He can use his authority to transfer the new secretary to another department, and let Yan Xi come back and continue to be the president's secretary, which is not difficult.

"What job?"

"There are jobs as a clerk or a secretary, and the salary is about the same as when she was the president's secretary before. Let's talk about having dinner together." It's useless to say it now.

"That's fine." After Ye Piaopiao hung up the line, he called to ask other people.

After a while, Qin Hao received a call from Ye Piaopiao. Both Hua Cuo and Yan Xi said they had no time to come, and only He Qingshan and Xiaoxia came.

Qin Hao was depressed, how could he explain to his boss if the protagonist didn't come.

Qin Hao bit the bullet and sent a text message to his boss: Yan Xi hasn't found a job yet.

As for the reason or what Yan Xi was doing, he had no idea.


After Gu Jinluo received the message, he was at a loss for a while, and he didn't dare to call her rashly.

Is her current state considered broken in love?

After thinking for a moment, I finally decided to send her a text message: how are you doing recently?

He waited nervously for her reply.

However, this text message seemed to have disappeared. He sat in the same position for half an hour without waiting for her reply.

Just when he was about to call her, the phone screen lit up.

Finally received her reply, only three concise words: I am fine.

Yan Xi felt very bewildered. Gu Jinluo suddenly sent her such a text message, and he couldn't guess what he meant.

Gu Jinluo kept looking at these three words. Is she really nice, or is it just polite words?

He has always disliked the contact method of texting, because he can't figure out the tone, mood, voice, etc. of the other party.

Gu Jinluo thought for a while, and then sent her another text message: Can I come out and meet?

This time I quickly received her reply: If there is nothing important, it is not convenient.

Gu Jin is silent, he has very important things to do.


(End of this chapter)

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