I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 531 Confidential Leakage 03

Chapter 531 Confidential Leakage 03
At six o'clock in the evening, I suddenly received an emergency call from Nick.

"Just now Zhong Manyao stole the important secrets of Ante Dick and escaped from the North Research Institute. Is there a way for Ms. Yan to track down her whereabouts immediately? She is very likely to be an agent of Y's MI[-]. Before she handed over the information Intercept her, or kill her!" Nick's voice was a little angry.

"Does she have a mobile phone or other electronic products that can be located?" Yan Xi's face changed slightly, and Zhong Manyao gave her another surprise.

"Her cell phone has been tracked down, and she threw it away. Now I can only search her with my hands." This is what worries Nick.

"Where did she escape to?" Yan Xi put on a black windbreaker, hid a pistol behind his back, and went out immediately.

"The area around Ganghwa-ri, North District, is hacking into the surrounding surveillance. We must find her, and we must not let the secrets leak out..." Nick was already a little anxious.

In 15 minutes, Yan Xi hurried to Jianghuali, North District. This area belongs to the residential area of ​​the old city, and the houses are dilapidated, dense and irregular.

Two black commercial vehicles were parked on the side of the street.

Nick was sitting in the car waiting for the news, and had already sent people to surround the Jianghuali area, but now it was dark, there were occasional people coming and going, and there were not many people around, so he was not sure enough to find Zhong Manyao.

"Mr. Nick, Miss Yan is here." The assistant invited Yan Xi into the car.

Computer technicians have already hacked into the surrounding surveillance, trying to find Zhong Manyao's figure.

Nick kept frowning, and said, "Miss Yan, is there anything I can do?"

"They can't help it, let alone me." Yan Xi glanced at the two busy technicians.

Technicians dare not speak, they are only responsible for tracking targets through monitoring, some places are not monitored, this is not something they can solve at all.

Yan Xi asked, "How is the situation?"

The assistant immediately explained the situation: "Zhong Manyao has been shot and injured, she can't escape far, and finally saw Zhong Manyao disappear after entering Jianghuali, we have sent people to guard the exits of Jianghuali, and enter Jianghuali to search, the surrounding buildings Snipers are arranged at the top."

Yan Xi said, "Give me a computer."

The technician immediately gave up a computer to Yan Xi.

Yan Xi checked the previous surveillance video, and recorded that Zhong Manyao was riding a motorcycle into Jianghuali. There was no surveillance inside Jianghuali, and there was only road surveillance at the intersection outside.

The technician wiped off his cold sweat, and said nervously, "It's been 10 minutes, and Zhong Manyao hasn't been found yet. Could it be that she has already escaped from Jianghuali?"

Yan Xi said: "Expand the scope of monitoring, cut out the surveillance video, and use facial recognition technology to search."

The technician said: "I try my best, but it is dark now, it is difficult to identify, and she is avoiding deliberately, so she should try to avoid exposing her face."

Yan Xi clicked on the real scene map: "Where are the snipers hiding?"

The assistant pointed to the map: "Snipers are placed on the roofs near the exits, but the buildings here are not high-rise and the range of sight is limited, so it is easy for Zhong Manyao to escape."

A total of eight surveillance images are displayed on the large screen, and there are many surveillance blind spots, making it difficult to record the target person.

The technician suddenly shouted: "I saw her! The inner alley on the south side of Jianghuali! It's gone!"

Only one side of the inner alley can be seen from the surveillance, and a figure happened to pass through.

(End of this chapter)

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