I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 532 Confidential Leakage 04

Chapter 532 Confidential Leakage 04
The assistant immediately picked up the communicator and said: "Sniper No. [-], the target has appeared in the inner alley! Pay attention!"

Immediately there was a bang from the communicator, it was a gunshot.

Everyone in the car listened attentively. The sound of the muffled gunshot was neither high nor low, but it hit everyone's ears heavily.

Just when everyone was guessing whether they hit the target, the sniper's disappointed voice came from the communicator: "She escaped and entered the nearby steel tile house!"

Nick looked angry, and immediately arranged for people to quickly search the south side.

"I'll go too, give me a communicator." Yan Xi took out the pistol hidden behind his back.

"Miss Yan, be careful of Zhong Manyao, this person is very cunning." Nick reminded, and then gave Yan Xi a communicator. Now that there are not enough people, of course Yan Xi is allowed to take the risk to join.

Yan Xi took the communicator, and then rushed to the south side of Jianghuali with several employees.

After [-] o'clock in the evening, the lights in Jianghuali are sparse, and only a few people live here. Most of the dilapidated houses are vacant, and the steel tile houses are used to store sundries.

Yan Xi and the others met the person who was searching, and Feng Yi was also there.

"There are many hiding places around here, search carefully, group of three, spread out and search! You go over there!" Feng Yi assigned personnel and divided the search area.

Yan Xi, Feng Yi, and a tall and thin employee were together.

Surrounded by uninhabited steel tile houses, messy alleys, no lights, and pitch black.

This narrow alley is full of scrap metal.

Feng Yi winked and told Yan Xi and the tall and thin employee to go into the alley and search.

After the two searched, the tall and thin employee said a little discouraged: "No."

Yan Xi also shook his head.

Feng Yi frowned and could only continue searching.

There is a large shed with steel tiles in front of it. There is no door, so you can walk in directly.

Feng Yi made a gesture, Yan Xi and the employee understood, and followed Feng Yi into the room.

It is full of recycled waste of various plastic bottles, cardboard, glass bottles and so on.

The three of them took pistols and went in to search silently. The place was too big, so they searched separately.

There are several iron shelves near the wall, and they are filled with waste paper products layer by layer.

There are several tall splints erected beside the wall, blocking the line of sight.

Yan Xi walked over in a soft voice, and walked around the iron frame step by step, holding a pistol in his hand, scanning every corner with his eyes.

It was very dark behind the plywood erected by the wall, but Yan Xi still saw a pair of vigilant and sharp eyes staring at her in the darkness, and a black muzzle of a gun.

The two looked at each other, and when the man in the darkness was about to pull the trigger, Yan Xi had already put down his pistol, turned around and left.

Feng Yi and the employee searched all the way to the end of the room, but they couldn't find the target person, so they turned their eyes to Yan Xi to ask about the situation.

"No." Yan Xi said.

"What should I do if I can't find it? What if she has escaped from Ganghwa-ri?" the tall and thin employee asked. Nick gave the order to find the woman. After searching for so long, he only found a shadow, and let the shadow Escape from snipers.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Feng Yi gave the employee a cold look.

The employee shut up embarrassingly, his rank was not as high as Feng Yi's, and his force value was also a little lower.

The three walked out of the steel tile house and continued to search forward. There were several dilapidated houses in front of them, which were messy and dark, and the search was troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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