I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 533 Confidential Leakage 05

Chapter 533 Confidential Leakage 05
Nick, who was sitting in the car, couldn't wait for the message from the communicator, and was already impatient and impatient.

This secret involves hundreds of billions, involves several multinational consortiums around the world, and even concerns the life and death of Antidick, so there must be no news of it leaking.

Three hours later, I searched all around Jianghuali, but still couldn't find the target person.

More than a dozen employees and snipers are waiting to close the team. If such a large-scale search continues, the police may be alarmed. After all, in their business, they are more or less on the verge of breaking the law.

The assistant said cautiously: "Sir, I haven't found it. It has been confirmed that Zhong Manyao is not in Jianghuali."

Nick was furious, with a gloomy look in his eyes, and ordered, "Set it on fire."

The assistant was shocked, did he hear or understand wrong?Did you set fire to Ganghwa-ri?There are quite a few residents inside, and the police will definitely be alerted.

"Aren't you going?" Nick gave the assistant a cold look, regardless of whether Zhong Manyao had escaped from Jianghuali, if it was set on fire, Zhong Manyao must escape or be burned to death!

"Yes." The assistant could only obey the order, and ordered a few people to go to a place with flammable objects to light a fire, and the others stood guard outside Jianghuali, waiting for the target person to appear.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, a fire suddenly broke out in Jianghuali, and flammable materials such as plastic and paper quickly pushed the fire up.

The night wind blew, and the fire spread instantly.

"It's on fire! There's a fire on the steel tile house!"

"Everyone, hurry up! The fire seems to be blowing over!"

Jianghuali was suddenly in chaos. Fortunately, there were not many residents here, only a few scattered households. In addition, it was only past nine o'clock, and everyone was still awake.

The residents walked out of the house and saw the raging fire not far away, so scared that they rushed out of Ganghwa-ri desperately.

Soon someone called the police, and the surrounding residents came out to watch, and a lot of people gathered outside Jianghuali.

Due to the simultaneous fire in many places, Jianghuali was quickly caught in the fire.

After a while, the fire siren sounded.

Several fire trucks came quickly and kept spraying water into the fire.

More than a dozen firefighters rushed into Jianghuali to search, fearing that someone was still inside.

Immediately, the siren sounded again, and an ambulance and a police car arrived.

Reporters from various newspapers also came to report.

Until eleven o'clock in the evening, the fire was completely extinguished, and no casualties were found for the time being.


Until the fire was extinguished, the target person was still not seen.

"Sir, the police and firefighters are searching for the cause of the fire. I asked the technicians to hack into the surveillance system of the surrounding roads and delete some videos." The assistant was a little worried. If there was such a big commotion tonight, if the police investigate, it is very likely that they will be found. .

Nick's face has been gloomy all the time. He may lose his position. He reported the incident to the headquarters just now. In just a few short hours, turmoil occurred in the entire Ante Dick.

"Mr. Nick, the police are here to ask questions." An employee came and said that the police were questioning the surrounding residents and passers-by.

"Get out!" Nick said coldly, motioning the driver to drive.

Tonight's search and arrest operation is temporarily over. Nick sent people to monitor all the intersections, passenger stations, airports and other places leaving the city. Now even if Zhong Manyao has sent the information, he wants Zhong Manyao to be decapitated!
Yan Xi didn't go back until nearly twelve o'clock in the morning.


(End of this chapter)

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