I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 534 Confidential Leakage 06

Chapter 534 Confidential Leakage 06
There was no traffic on the road, and it fell into the silence of the night, and the light of the street lamps sprinkled the ground.

When Yan Xi returned to Tianhe Xiaoyuan, she saw a black car parked by the side of the road. She recognized the license plate number and the person standing under the streetlight.

Gu Jinluo stood like a statue. He had been waiting since seven o'clock in the evening. The lights in her house had not been turned on. If she didn't come home tonight, he wondered if he would have the courage to continue waiting.

It wasn't until he saw her coming from the night in the distance that his messy mood slowly calmed down. He hadn't seen her for a long time.

Yan Xi didn't want to say hello to him, but he had to go through this road, and he had already walked forward before she got there.

Gu Jinluo walked up to her. She had no makeup on and was dressed in black. He didn't dare to ask her where she was so late, for fear of offending her.

"Do you have the time?"

"What's the matter?" It's already past twelve o'clock in the morning, don't ask if she has time, he's looking for her in the middle of the night, is there something important?
"Can we talk? Or maybe tomorrow." Tomorrow is Sunday.

"If it's about relationship issues, I don't think there's anything to talk about." Yan Xi had a weird expression on his face, it was hard to imagine that Gu Jinluo really liked her, after all, she really had nothing worthy of his appreciation and liking.

"I have a few questions that I need you to answer, and there are still some things that I need to tell you." Gu Jinluo was very serious and serious. Since he parted with her that time, he has thought about a lot of issues between him and her.

"Tell me." Yan Xi was not too short of time.

"Before you said that we are not equal, but in fact we are completely equal, but in different fields, different occupations, and different values ​​created. For example, doctors cannot be asked to be chefs, painters, etc., and painters cannot be asked to Be a doctor, an entrepreneur, etc. But they are at the same level, a painter can be with a doctor, and a chef can be with an entrepreneur, how can it be different?" Gu Jinluo said, whether they are equal or not does not depend on the Power and money are measured, but respect for each other.

Yan Xi was silent for a while, so what.

"Also, you said before that our outlook on life, values, and world outlook are completely different. There are no two people in the world who have completely the same views. They can only be said to be relatively similar. Similar people may only be the same but not harmonious. The real The similarity is to be able to accept each other's differences, and not to blindly force the other party to be similar to oneself, to be harmonious but different, in fact, this is already the sameness of three views." His background cannot be changed, and he can't be similar to her no matter what, his Occupation, personality, concepts, etc. are also difficult to change, and it is difficult to be similar to her.

Yan Xi remained silent, remembering that Lan Muge had said that Gu Jinluo was studying social relations, and she had nothing to refute on this point.

"You also said that if you have no intention of getting married, you will not settle in Jingyang City. Everyone has their own value in life, and I respect your choice. Our life is still very long, so we don't need to be so eager for success. Together all the time, we can take it slow." Gu Jinluo's expression was very tactful, as long as she wanted, he could wait for her.

"Although your life is still very, very long, don't waste time." She couldn't determine the length of her life, Zhong Manyao almost ended her life just now, who knows if she will have a life in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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