I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 535 Confidential Leakage 07

Chapter 535 Confidential Leakage 07
Gu Jinluo stared at her blankly, he couldn't figure out why she could reject him so firmly and resolutely, without the slightest hesitation.

"Why don't you give me a chance?"

"I don't like you." To be precise, it's impossible for her to fall in love with him. It's not that he is bad, on the contrary, he is so good that she stops her.

"...At the beginning, when we met for the first time at the PRINCE Hotel, we obviously got along very well and could blend into each other's topics. You clearly showed that...you like me." We talked with her for a long time at that time, and she has a lot of knowledge At that time, he had a rare chat with a stranger. She gave him a good first impression, but what happened later caught him by surprise.

"It's just a date. Of course, I want to leave a good impression on the other party. I just want to cater to the other party. In fact, I think those topics are very boring. As long as the person looks good and talks well at that time, I will show that I like him." More Not to mention the handsome and extraordinary Gu Jinluo, this was a completely wrong encounter.

Gu Jinluo couldn't accept it for a moment. It turned out that he was just pretending to be passionate. At that time, she didn't like him at all, and she just wanted to cater to him...

"Then why do you still have sex with me...?"

"What's the matter?" Yan Xi looked at him in bewilderment, did he make a mistake, or did she get it wrong?
"Why did you have sex with me?" Gu Jinluo's face was livid, even though it had been a long time, he still cared about it.

"When did I have a relationship with you?" Yan Xi felt puzzled. When he said relationship between a man and a woman, did he mean emotionally or physically?

"That night at the PRINCE Hotel..." Gu Jinluo was a little embarrassed to say, how could she keep acting as if nothing had happened!
"You mean, I had... sexual relations with you that night?" Yan Xi had a strange expression on his face, if she misunderstood, she would take it as a joke.

Seeing her puzzled look, Gu Jinluo's heart skipped a beat, as if he had sensed something, his voice gradually weakened: "Isn't it..."

Yan Xi was completely dumbfounded, she believed that she had not misunderstood, did he always think that she had sex with him that night?
God!God!Who will kill her?It turned out that for so long, he had always thought that she did something to him that night!Did he think she was a pervert?

"Why do you think I had sex with you that night?!" Yan Xi's voice suppressed shame and anger.

"At that time, why was I on the bed..." Gu Jinluo's mind was in a mess, and he seemed to realize something. He was lying on the bed after waking up, and his whole body was naked.

"I just helped you to bed! I accidentally tore off your nightgown, and then you fainted! Fainted! Even if I want to..., then you can..." Even if she wants to do something, then he can Hard enough? !

Even Yan Xi, who had always been calm and composed, could hardly calm down now. Some words were really hard to say, so he could only secretly get angry and angry.

Hearing this, Gu Jinluo was stunned. Didn't there happen that night?Is it all just his self-righteousness?He's been misunderstanding her all this time?

Yan Xi left angrily, she didn't want to see him, it turned out that he had always regarded her as a pervert before, and the funny thing was that he actually liked this pervert and wanted to fall in love with this pervert.

Thinking about it this way, he is actually the real pervert.


(End of this chapter)

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