I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 537 Confidential Leakage 09

Chapter 537 Confidential Leakage 09
Zhong Manyao gritted her teeth and lay down on the sofa. She was wearing black underwear, showing her round buttocks and long fair legs.

The wound was on the left side of the hip, and the blood on the black underwear had dried.

"Do you need to inject anesthesia?" Yan Xi picked up the scissors and cut the cloth around the wound. The wound was just sealed with gauze and tape.

"Of course!" Zhong Manyao had endured the pain for a long time, and because of the special location of the wound, it was very painful when walking.

Yan Xi took out the syringe and needle water. She hadn't studied medicine, but anyone in their line of work could treat less serious wounds.

Finding the right location, a needle was stabbed on Zhong Manyao's buttocks.

After a while, the anesthetic took effect.

Yan Xi began to wash the wound with disinfectant, and then stitched it. Her stitching technique is not very good, and it may leave scars in the future.

She suddenly thought that the last time the taxi driver asked to touch her buttocks, men should have a habit of touching women's buttocks, I hope Zhong Manyao's man doesn't mind.

"Your identity, won't you tell me?" Zhong Manyao's hip pain stopped, and she returned to her usual arrogant look.

"My purpose and yours are temporarily the same." Yan Xi could only say so.

"A member of the Huaguo National Security Bureau?" Zhong Manyao guessed that Yan Xi should also be an undercover agent lurking in Antidick, otherwise why would Yan Xi save her.

"No." Yan Xi slowly sewed up the wound stitch by stitch, trying to make the stitches meet the standard.

"Say it straight?" Zhong Manyao said impatiently.

"When it's time to tell you, I will tell you." Yan Xi was not in a hurry.

Zhong Manyao was upset, Yan Xi was pretending to be mysterious.

"Duan Xunge was the one who informed Duan Xunge on the night of Halloween?" Yan Xi thought of this, if it wasn't Mo Yan, and now he knew Zhong Manyao's identity, then it was most likely Zhong Manyao!
"You can't blame me! I don't know your real identity! You have done so many things for Ante Dick, and you are Nick's right-hand employee. Of course I want to get rid of you!" Zhong Manyao immediately retorted, she hated Yan Xi the most This kind of quiet person, and Yan Xi is proficient in computer technology, she was worried that Yan Xi would find out her real identity, so at that time she could only act first.

"You almost killed me!" Yan Xi's face darkened. Although Zhong Manyao couldn't be blamed for this matter, it made her fall into a predicament and was restrained by Duan Xunge everywhere.

"Aren't you living a good life..." Zhong Manyao said a sarcastic remark slowly, completely forgetting who saved her last night.

Yan Xi regretted giving Zhong Manyao an anesthetic injection just now.

"Didn't you say to cancel the operation that night? How do you know that someone sent a message to Duan Xunge?" Zhong Manyao's eyes flashed a trace of suspicion. She used a stranger's mobile phone to send a message to Duan Xunge, but it was impossible for Yan Xi to find out. .

Unless Yan Xi didn't cancel the action and was caught by Duan Xunge, how could Duan Xunge let Yan Xi go so easily?
"Could it be that you have reached some agreement with Duan Xunge?" Zhong Manyao guessed, after all, the existence of Ante Dick has seriously threatened the Duan family, presumably Duan Xunge is also trying to get rid of Ante Dick.

Yan Xi didn't say anything, there was no need to tell Zhong Manyao for now.

"Have you found out who this kid Mo Yan is?" Zhong Manyao thought of this, maybe Yan Xi was just perfunctory to her before, but now that everyone has revealed their identities, Yan Xi doesn't need to hide.

"I don't know." Yan Xi said.

(End of this chapter)

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