I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 538 Confidential Leakage 10

Chapter 538 Confidential Leakage 10
"I have always suspected that he is from the National Security Bureau." Zhong Manyao said, that's why she never exposed him.

"What evidence is there?" Yan Xi asked.

"I didn't find any evidence. This is a feeling. Although he is a bit weaker, I feel that he has compassion and a sense of justice in him. I keenly feel that he is an undercover agent."

"Then why didn't you feel keenly that I was an undercover agent?" Yan Xi asked back. On Halloween night, Zhong Manyao almost killed her.

Zhong Manyao blinked and said, "I don't find any compassion or sense of justice in you. Maybe you act upright and cultivated, but in fact, you are very similar to Lu Li."

Yan Xi didn't take it seriously, she didn't look like Lu Li at all.

Zhong Manyao said: "I haven't told Nick about what happened in the abandoned factory that night. Nick doesn't know the identity of Mo Yan yet. Mo Yan can continue his undercover mission."

Yan Xi had already stitched up Zhong Manyao's wound, applied anti-inflammatory lotion, found a few oral anti-inflammatory tablets from the medicine box, and poured a glass of water for Zhong Manyao to take the medicine.

"Give me a suit of clothes, I want to take a shower." Zhong Manyao said, that pair of trousers could no longer be worn.

Yan Xi went back to his room, found a set of clothes and threw them to Zhong Manyao.

Zhong Manyao took the clothes, picked up the plain black bra with no sense of design, and gestured: "It's so small, how do you wear it?"

Yan Xi's face darkened instantly: "You can vacuum, or you can run naked."

"I'm hungry. After taking a shower, I want to eat." Zhong Manyao walked into the bathroom.

Yan Xi frowned, but still walked into the kitchen.

Ten minutes later, Zhong Manyao came out of the bathroom with wet hair.

There was just a sandwich and a glass of steaming milk on the table.

"You just let me eat this?" Zhong Manyao was very disgusted, she hadn't eaten a proper meal for a day and a night, and now she was the injured.

"You don't have to eat." Yan Xi didn't care at all, even if Zhong Manyao didn't eat, she would definitely not die of hunger.

Zhong Manyao was at a loss, she couldn't sit, she could only stand and eat, she was really hungry.

"When are you leaving?" Yan Xi glanced at Zhong Manyao.

"I'll stay here for the time being." Zhong Manyao said, and now Nick sent people everywhere to track down her whereabouts.

"If you stay here, you and I are both in danger." Yan Xi disapproved and might reveal her identity at any time.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place." Zhong Manyao picked up the milk and drank it slowly.

"It's just a line." Yan Xi said.

"I believe this line." Zhong Manyao ate the sandwich, maybe she was too hungry, but the taste was not bad.

Yan Xi's face turned dark, and he couldn't communicate with Zhong Manyao.

After eating, Zhong Manyao felt a little sleepy. She hadn't slept well for two days and one night.

"Which room do I sleep in?" Zhong Manyao looked around, there seemed to be several rooms.

"Here." Yan Xi opened the door of the guest room.

Zhong Manyao walked into the room, there was a suitcase by the door, there were pillows on the bed, a neatly folded quilt, and there was a water glass on the bedside table.

Obviously, this room has been occupied before.

"Whose room? How long has the quilt been washed?" Zhong Manyao looked picky, and stretched out her fingers to touch the table. There was some dust, and no one had lived in it for a long time.

"You can sleep on the sofa." Yan Xi didn't mind.

"At any rate, you should change the bed sheet for me, and give me a thicker quilt." Of course, it was impossible for Zhong Manyao to sleep on the sofa.

Yan Xi went back to his room to get the quilt.

Zhong Manyao opened the closet, and the clothes inside were all young men's clothes. Yan Xi has no brothers, so is it Yan Xi's man?

Most of the clothes are casual wear and sportswear, casual and simple, without formal clothes and ties.

I don't know if Yan Xi and Lan Muge had an in-depth communication, but these clothes are not in Lan Muge's style.

Could it be Gu Jinluo?It doesn't seem to fit Gu Jinluo's style either.

Yan Xi brought a thick quilt and a thin blanket.

"Whose room is your man?" Zhong Manyao asked teasingly.

"No." Yan Xi took off the sheet, then spread a blanket, and threw the quilt directly on the bed.

"By the way, wipe the table, there is a lot of dust." Zhong Manyao said unconsciously.

"You don't have to stay here." Yan Xi took the bed sheet and left, she was not Zhong Manyao's servant.

Yan Xi threw the sheets into the washing machine and pressed the washing button.


 PS: Maybe I watch too many American dramas, especially Resident Evil, Criminal Minds, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Most of the female portrayals are based on American dramas.

  Most of the men retain the characteristics of the male protagonist or male supporting role of the general president. They are more or less machismo in their bones. They are not wrong, they just have different positions. In front of powerful women, they have exposed their conceited characteristics.In front of disadvantaged women, they are heroes and reliable men. They are dedicated, doting on their wives, strong, and sheltering their lovers from wind and rain.

  This article is critical, critical comments are welcome, but please rate 5 stars.People with critical thinking are generally rich in insight, discrimination and judgment, and have their own independent thoughts.

  There is a kind of person who would rather walk alone than follow the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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