I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 543 Confidential Leakage 15

Chapter 543 Confidential Leakage 15
Yan Xi got into a taxi and went to a warehouse in the suburban industrial area.

There are tall foam and cardboard boxes neatly stacked in the warehouse, and the cartons are all empty by visual inspection. This is an empty warehouse.

Several men guarded the warehouse door, and when they saw Yan Xi coming, they brought Yan Xi into the office.

The office is very simple, with only one desk and chair. It can be seen that no one works here.

Nick's expression was serious. Recently, because of Zhong Manyao's incident, the headquarters has been put on alert. Although all important research has been transferred in time, the investigation by MI[-] of Country Y's military cannot be avoided, and it has even attracted the attention of other law enforcement agencies.

"Mr. Nick." Yan Xi walked into the office.

"Miss Yan, please come here yourself." A bit of worry appeared on Nick's face.

"No trouble, what's the matter, Mr. Nick?"

"The Zhong Manyao incident has had a great impact on the company. A year ago, Zhong Manyao was transferred from the headquarters of Country Y to the Jingyang Branch. I had no doubts about her identity, so I appointed her as the security director. She clearly understands the research The layout and security system of the office, she stole a confidential document from my office, it is almost certain that she is an agent of MI[-] of country Y." Nick was still a little angry.

"Have you found Zhong Manyao?" Yan Xi asked.

"Not yet, the point now is not to find her. The most urgent thing is to find out any ghosts lurking in Ante Dick, and find out the law enforcement personnel who are investigating the company! It is necessary to ensure that the company has a positive image and eliminate the suspicion and investigation of various law enforcement agencies. .” Nick said in a deep voice, unable to sit still.

"Does Mr. Nick have any doubts?" Yan Xi asked, she was only an employee of Antidick, and she didn't know the inside of Antidick.

"It's really hard to find anyone suspicious in an instant. Ms. Yan investigated Yun Su before, did you find anything?"

"Yunsu's identity background is very clear."

"The clearer it is, the more likely it is a forgery. No one's identity is leak-proof. I have come into contact with Yun Su, and he is very deep." Nick frowned, he was a little confused about Yun Su.

"So what's Mr. Nick's plan?"

"Since you have suspected him, you must find out." Nick's eyes flickered.

Yan Xi didn't ask any more questions, Nick must already have a plan.

"Has there been any progress in the previous plan to steal the Duan family's arms information?" Nick asked, this matter was handed over to Zhong Manyao before, but luckily it didn't work out. Connected.

Yan Xi took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and handed it to Nick.

"This is?" Nick took the USB flash drive in confusion.

"It's here." Yan Xi said.

"Huh? When did Miss Yan get it?" Nick was a little surprised, why Yan Xi didn't report to him in time.

"The action on Halloween night has been taken." Yan Xi said.

"Why did you just hand it over now?" Nick stared at Yan Xi with deep eyes, and that night Zhong Manyao reported that Yan Xi suddenly canceled the action.

"I don't trust anyone." Yan Xi met Nick's gaze calmly.

Hearing this, Nick withdrew his gaze. Yan Xi was a very cautious and calm person, and he also agreed with Yan Xi's words. Zhong Manyao was the best proof, and he didn't trust anyone.


(End of this chapter)

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