I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 544 Confidential Leakage 16

Chapter 544 Confidential Leakage 16
There is no snow in Jingyang City in winter. At eight o'clock in the evening, the night fog of Songquan Mountain hits, and the suburbs are slightly cooler than the urban areas.

The cold night wind blew the curtains.

Gu Jinluo stood in front of the window, looking at the night outside the window.

The misunderstanding was resolved, but his heart suddenly seemed to be empty.

All the stupid things he did because of her have now become real stupid things.

The mobile phone on the table rang, and Gu Jinluo answered the call when he saw the caller ID.

"Mom, have you had lunch yet?"

Daylight saving time has been cancelled, and it is only twelve noon in Country Y now.

"Not yet, are you free recently?" Bai Shaohua's voice was a little tired.

"What's wrong?" Gu Jinluo asked with concern.

"In recent days, your dad seems to be a little worried. I asked him if something happened, but he didn't say anything."

"Is it about the company?" Although Gu Jinluo is not directly involved in the operation of the company's branch, he is very familiar with the operation of the company's branch.

"Probably not." As the chief financial officer, Bai Shaohua is clear about the company's capital flow, and the company is currently operating well.

"I'll give Dad a call later."

"That's good. If you have time, come to country Y on Saturday." Bai Shaohua sighed slightly in her heart. Since she came back to country Y, her son has not been here once.

"Well, I'll be back on Saturday." Gu Jinluo agreed, since weekends are free anyway.


On Wednesday, Gu Jinluo went to work on time as usual, trying to keep herself as busy as possible.

Qin Hao has been taking care of the secretary's work all the time. Even if he can leave the unimportant and tedious work to the clerks in the administrative department, he is still too busy to exhaust himself. It is no problem to take care of it for a week or two, but he has taken care of it for nearly two months!

He originally wanted the new secretary to take office, but before the president asked him if Yan Xi had a job, he was in a dilemma.

Did the president and Yan Xi have anything to say?

Qin Hao went into the CEO's office, took a worksheet, and reported on the work item by item.

"I just received an invitation letter from Antidick Company to hold a networking dinner at the banquet hall on the tenth floor of the Lanhai Building at [-] o'clock on Saturday evening. Are you invited?"

"Reject. Book me a ticket to country Y on Friday night."

"Understood. Longshan Waterfront has been completed by 30.00%, which is [-] days slower than expected..." Qin Hao looked serious. Don't underestimate the short [-] days. For such a huge project as Longshan Waterfront, it is only [-] days. Days cost a lot of money.

"Pour me a glass of warm water." Gu Jinluo interrupted Qin Hao suddenly.

Qin Hao looked up and saw that the president's face seemed not very good.

Qin Hao immediately went to the tea room to pour a glass of warm water.

Gu Jinluo frowned, opened the drawer and took out a bottle of stomach medicine, and saw a resume in the drawer. The one-inch photo on the resume was a bit old, but the outline of the characters was still clear.

After reading the resume that Qin Hao had fetched a long time ago, he casually put it in the drawer.

Gu Jinluo paused, and finally took out this resume, and it was useless to keep it.

Gu Jinluo took this thin resume and looked at the information on the resume without throwing it into the wastebasket.

However, when she saw the date of birth column, her 25th birthday was about to come.

"President, warm water." Qin Hao put the water glass on the desk.

"You go out first." Gu Jinluo casually stuffed the resume into the drawer.

Qin Hao walked away awkwardly, his eyesight was very good, he saw what the president was holding in his hand, and the president still couldn't forget Yan Xi.


(End of this chapter)

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