I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 548 Confidential Leakage 20

Chapter 548 Confidential Leakage 20
"Nephew, why don't you see your dad?" Han Dongcheng deliberately walked over and asked casually.

"Uncle Han, my dad is not feeling well." Lan Muge's words were just words. His dad seldom attended any banquets. Everyone in the circle knew that, why did Han Dongcheng ask such a question?

"I haven't seen your dad for a long time, is it serious?" Han Dongcheng asked with concern.

"The weather is getting colder. It's just a cold. It should be better after a few days of rest. It's not a big problem." Lan Muge gave a random reason.

"That's good." Han Dongcheng said, and then looked at Yan Xi who was beside Lan Muge.

"This lady looks familiar." Han Dongcheng pretended to be puzzled as if he was recalling, looked at Lan Muge, and then asked, "This lady is..."

"This is my girlfriend, surnamed Yan." Lan Muge felt strange, had Han Dongcheng met Yan Xi before?Otherwise, why would Yan Xi look familiar.

A flash of surprise flashed in Han Dongcheng's eyes. Since this woman is Lan Muge's girlfriend, what happened at the opera party?

Although Yan Xi didn't speak, he had already guessed Han Dongcheng's intentions. He didn't think she looked familiar, but he knew her at all. At that time, she was President Gu's girlfriend, and President Gu used her to reject Han Mengli.

"Hehe, I remember that my nephew is also 27 years old. Your parents must be waiting for you to get married." Han Dongcheng said something as an elder, but it was just a talk.

After hearing this, Lan Muge just smiled and said nothing, only he knew how he felt in his heart.

Seeing Lan Muge's reaction, Han Dongcheng was a little uncertain. Although Lan Muge was famous, he was a million times more promising than his son. He knew what to do and what not to do. He has real talents and real learning.

Thinking of his son, Han Dongcheng was extremely disappointed.

"Then you young people continue." Han Dongcheng smiled.

"Uncle Han, go slowly." Lan Muge still kept a polite smile.

Han Dongcheng just left.

Lan Muge and Yan Xi were wandering around the venue, and occasionally someone came to say hello to Lan Muge.

Walking to the side of the dance floor, Lan Muge stopped and looked at the men and women on the dance floor. He wanted to invite her to dance, even if he pretended.

Suddenly, I saw a man on the other side of the dance floor looking at this side. Lan Muge took a closer look. The man was European, and I couldn't tell which country he was from. Brown hair, about 26 years old, he seems to be looking at... Yan Xi?
"Who is that man?" Lan Muge narrowed his eyes, that man seemed not simple.

Yan Xi followed Lan Muge's line of sight, turned his head to look over, looked over the staggered dancers on the dance floor, and saw a familiar figure, and when he met that person's gaze, he saw the shock in his eyes.

Yan Xi turned his face away for a moment, he might have recognized her, why is he here.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Yan Xi left immediately.

Lan Muge was about to follow, but saw that man walking across the dance floor towards this side.

People who were dancing on the dance floor were bumped into, and the man ignored him, and even rudely pushed the person who was in his way.

The dance floor was disrupted in an instant, and the ladies were all wearing high heels and almost fell down.

People around cast displeased eyes, even though this impolite man was very handsome.

"Who is he?" someone asked.

"The heir of the Italian Este family, Hess." Someone recognized the man.

(End of this chapter)

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