I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 549 The relationship is clear 01

Chapter 549 The relationship is clear 01
Hearing this name, everyone dared not say anything more. The Este family is one of the most mysterious and ancient families in Italy. It used to be the Mafia. The family business involves various fields, and it is impossible to measure how much wealth they have.

Lan Muge frowned, is this Hess?Is he looking for Yan Xi?Is Yan Xi avoiding Hess?

No matter what, since Yan Xi intends to avoid him, of course he has to help Yan Xi.

When Hess came over, Lan Muge made a very insidious move, suddenly stretched out his left foot secretly, and caught Hess.

Hess was in a hurry to chase people, he didn't pay attention to the ground, and he never expected that someone would make a deliberate trick. His footsteps were caught by Lan Muge's left foot, and he almost fell. Fortunately, he reacted very quickly and stepped back instantly to stabilize himself. out of shape.

"Sorry." Lan Muge stopped Hess with an apologetic face.

Hess looked at Lan Muge coldly, and said something in Italian in a bad tone.

Lan Muge couldn't understand Italian, but he probably guessed what Hess said, it should be something like asking him to get out of the way.

"Get lost!" Hess was completely angry, bumped into Lan Muge's shoulder, and walked away quickly.

Lan Muge's face was gloomy, watching Hess walk through the venue, Yan Xi was gone, what's the relationship between her and Hess?

Yan Xi left the banquet hall, tried his best to avoid the surrounding surveillance, couldn't get into the elevator, so he walked into the stairwell.

Downstairs is a five-star hotel. Yan Xi found the laundry room, found a suitable skirt to change into, and then took off the hairpins on his hair and let his hair down.

Just after I walked out of the hotel, I saw two tall and mighty men in suits walking quickly, one with blond hair and the other with black curly hair, they seemed to be looking for something.

Yan Xi lowered his head slightly, and walked past the two men calmly.

Yan Xi didn't go downstairs to leave, she was worried that the various exits of the Lanhai Building would be guarded, so she walked into the stairwell again.

Pushing open the safety door in the stairwell, I heard the sound of fighting in the stairwell.

Yan Xi walked over to take a peek and saw two familiar people.

Feng Yi and Yun Su fought on the landing. Both of them were master fighters, and they were evenly matched for the time being.

Sensing that someone was coming, Feng Yi and Yun Su looked over in an instant and saw Yan Xi walking with a pistol.

Yun Su's expression changed slightly, he didn't know whether Yan Xi was an enemy or a friend, the director told him not to hurt Yan Xi, but she pointed a gun at him.

Feng Yi couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, now that Yun Su had no strength to resist, and was about to knock Yun Su down with a punch.

There was a soft noise!
The gunshot from this special pistol was very faint, but Yun Su still heard it.

Before Feng Yi's fist landed on Yun Su's body, Feng Yi had already fallen.

A special bullet hit Feng Yi's body, but he didn't bleed, he just passed out.

Yun Su looked at Feng Yi at his feet, and then at Yan Xi. He believed that Yan Xi's marksmanship could not hit the wrong person.

"He will wake up in six hours, and may lose his memory from three to ten minutes to an hour before he fainted. Deal with him." Yan Xi put away the pistol.

"Who are you?" Yun Su looked at her again and found that she was wearing a dark blue dress. I had seen her at the venue just now. I remembered that she was wearing a black dress and her hair was tied up. Why did she change suddenly?

Yan Xi didn't answer his question, but just said: "Neither Zhong Manyao nor I exposed Mo Yan, we can let Mo Yan go back to Antidick."

(End of this chapter)

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