I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 550 The relationship is clear 02

Chapter 550 The relationship is clear 02
A trace of suspicion flashed across Yun Su's eyes, and he had already received news that Zhong Manyao was an agent of Y's MI[-]. Zhong Manyao's identity was exposed, and Ante Dick was chasing and killing Zhong Manyao. He was also looking for Zhong Manyao, but he never found him. An MI[-] agent?

"Don't say you've met me." After finishing speaking, Yan Xi left.

Yun Su was a little confused, so of course he wouldn't casually say that he had met her, she didn't have to remind him deliberately, if he had to say it, her reminder would be useless at all.

But the next moment, Yun Su understood what it meant.

Two burly men walked into the stairwell and saw Yun Su and the people lying on the ground, but they ignored them.

The black-haired man looked at Yun Su, and spoke in smothered English: "Have you ever seen a woman in a black dress?"

"No." Yun Su was indifferent, and Yan Xi was wearing a black dress before, so he had to suspect that these two people were looking for Yan Xi, why did they look for Yan Xi?
"What's wrong with him?" The blond man looked at Feng Yi who was on the ground.

"Drunk." Yun Su's English is very authentic and standard, basically without any accent.

"A man of such size can get drunk. The capacity for alcohol is really bad." The blond man spoke in Italian as he walked up the stairs.

"No, no, I heard that people in this country drink spirits above [-] degrees, and they drink a lot. Many people persuade them to drink, so they must drink." The black-haired man said with a half-knowledge.

"Really? Isn't this a waste? Do people in this country like to drink? Does that mean that many people die from alcohol poisoning?" The blond man was surprised and puzzled. They drink not because of the alcohol content, but because of the taste. Neither booze.

"I don't know, go find someone." The black-haired man pushed open the security door in the stairwell and walked in.

Yun Su didn't speak Italian, but he could hear the two men speaking Italian, so it was almost certain that they were Italian.


Yan Xi returned to the venue and walked to a hidden corner of the dining area. Hess was not there, so he probably wouldn't have guessed that she would come back to the banquet hall.

Lan Muge had been searching for a woman in a black dress. After searching for a long time, she finally saw her in the dining area. It turned out that she had changed into a blue dress and let down her hair.

"Why did you change your clothes?" Lan Muge looked at her, the skirt on her body didn't look like her style of clothing.

"Some accidents happened." Yan Xi didn't want to say more.

"Is that man just now, Hess Esther, looking for you?" Lan Muge asked, if not, she didn't need to avoid it, and she didn't need to deliberately change her attire.

"Yeah." Yan Xi couldn't deny it, after all he saw it too.

Lan Muge hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "Why are you avoiding him? What is your relationship with him?"

Yan Xi frowned slightly, and said, "It's not a good relationship."

Lan Muge could hear that she didn't want to say anything, so he didn't ask any more questions, it just made him inexplicably angry. He always respected her secrets, but in the end it turned out to be her lies. He could understand her unspeakable secrets, but he couldn't stand her Not a word explained.

The lights in the venue dimmed, leaving only the lights on the stage.

Nick, as the regional executive president of the Jingyang Branch of Ante Dick, needs to speak on stage.

"I'll be leaving first." Yan Xi looked at the time, Hess couldn't find her, and might come back to the banquet hall.

"I'll take you back." Lan Muge looked at her, not only out of gentlemanly demeanor, but also with unclear expectations.

Yan Xi didn't refuse, and left the banquet hall with him.

(End of this chapter)

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