I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 557 The relationship is clear 10

Chapter 557 The relationship is clear 10
The next day, Yan Xi took the initiative to call Duan Xunge to arrange a meeting place.

"Huayue International, I asked Lan Muge to pick you up." Duan Xunge said, not only to dispel the suspicion, but her brother seems to really like Yan Xi, this woman, which is not a good thing, not necessarily that Yan Xi likes her brother .

"No, choose a place where there are no people, and I'll bring someone here," Yan Xi said.

"Huh? Who?"

"I'll see you then."

"Okay, at ten o'clock tonight, the forest next to Binjiang Road will inform you of the exact location." Duan Xunge said, the forest along Binjiang Road is almost all the territory of the Lan family.


In the evening, Yan Xi threw a set of clothes to Zhong Manyao, a turtleneck sweater, black trousers, a black trench coat with a hood, and a pair of glasses.

Zhong Manyao took off her clothes in front of Yan Xi, she took off her underwear and panties, and then put on pants and a sweater, but Yan Xi was still wearing home clothes: "You still haven't changed?"

"You go out." Yan Xi leaned against the closet door, she was a very traditional and conservative woman.

"You're not shy, are you?" Zhong Manyao's eyes were full of smiles and jokes.

"You can understand it this way." Yan Xi didn't mind, but he did mind undressing in front of Zhong Manyao.

Zhong Manyao was speechless, turned and walked out of the room, she absolutely did not believe that Yan Xi was shy.

Three minutes later, Yan Xi changed his clothes and came out, also in black.

"Give me a gun and magazines." Zhong Manyao spread out her palms. She had a pistol but no bullets.

"No clips." Yan Xi pulled out the gun hidden behind his back, put it in Zhong Manyao's hand, and returned it to you.

"Youlan No. [-]? Just give me this gun? It's not lethal at all, and it's very troublesome to change the bullets. Don't you care about my life?" Zhong Manyao looked at Yan Xi unacceptably.

"I believe you will be safe." Yan Xi said, as long as Zhong Manyao does not engage in special circumstances.

Zhong Manyao looked unhappy, but still hid the gun behind her back.

Yan Xi went back to his room and got a pistol and magazines, this one was real.

"Leave separately, you can go out in 10 minutes." Yan Xi checked the time, just in case, she couldn't be with Zhong Manyao.

Zhong Manyao shrugged and put on a pair of wide glasses.

Yan Xi went out first, and went to the Binjiang area before ten o'clock, and then received a call from Duan Xunge.

The Binjiang area is close to the river, the river is windy, there are no tall buildings around, and the area along the river is full of forests.

At ten o'clock in the evening, there was basically no traffic on Binjiang Road.

Yan Xi sent a message to Zhong Manyao, then walked into the dark woods, remembering that Lan Muge's house was nearby.

Following the positioning information, walking deep into the woods, I saw Duan Xunge and Lan Muge.

"Didn't you mean to bring someone here?" Duan Xunge asked, only to see Yanxi alone.

"She'll be there in a while." Yan Xi looked around, the gloomy forest, the ground was full of dry leaves, were they talking secretly here?
"Follow me." Duan Xunge continued to go deep into the woods.

Lan Muge remained silent, and the dark night couldn't hide the coldness in his eyes, but he still walked to Yan Xi's side, waiting for her to speak.

However, there was no sound all the way.

Go to a log cabin, which is hidden in the woods.

Duan Xunge pressed the switch, and the lights in the room turned on. The bulbs were old and the light was weak.

There is a table and some chairs in the center of the cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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