I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 558 Complete Breakup 01

Chapter 558 Complete Breakup 01
Duan Xunge sat down casually, glanced at Yan Xi, and said, "Sit down, what do you want to say?"

Yan Xi sat on the chair and said, "The arms information you gave me earlier was not for Ante Dick, but for Lu Li."

"Huh?" Duan Xunge raised his eyebrows, waiting for the next sentence.

"I don't know what agreement Nick and Lu Li reached. Nick and Lu Li conspired to steal this batch of arms," ​​Yan Xi said.

"Do you also think that my Duan family hides ammunition privately?" Duan Xunge half-smiled. Possessing ammunition privately is a felony in China, and the Duan family has always been the key surveillance target of various law enforcement agencies.

"I don't know." Yan Xi said frankly. If Duan Xunge is willing to negotiate a deal with her, then Duan Xunge must be sure that no one will be caught. Besides, Interpol doesn't get involved in non-transnational crimes, so it doesn't belong to her. scope of responsibility.

Duan Xunge stared at Yan Xi sharply, and finally skipped this question for now.

"What is Lu Li's purpose, or what kind of person is he?" Duan Xunge asked. He obviously has money, fame and fortune, but his life is as lonely as an ascetic monk. Why do he still want to smuggle arms and sell drugs?

"I don't know what his purpose is. According to the investigation, the wife Qian Qiu that Lu Li claimed ten years ago was actually Qian Qiu who was behind the Haina Group, and Lu Li was just her subordinate. Qian Qiu died ten years ago. The cause of death is unknown. " Yan Xi said, the information about Qianqiu seemed to be blocked, and there was no trace of it.

"For so many years, Lu Li hasn't remarried. Do you still miss his wife?" Lan Muge couldn't help guessing. It's hard to imagine that Lu Li has such a long relationship. After all, Lu Li's image has always been silent and indifferent.

"I don't know." Yan Xi also had no way of knowing.

"A person whose cause of death is unknown is very likely to have died abnormally. What caused the death of Lu Li's wife? This has to make people suspect that Lu Li's purpose is revenge." Duan Xunge said, otherwise why would Lu Li go on a road of no return?Although her Duan family is a family of the underworld, they adhere to principles and morals, and have the spirit and beliefs of family inheritance.

Yan Xi was slightly taken aback, as if he had thought of something, something that could make people lose their rationality and break away from moral laws, and take revenge.

Duan Xunge doesn't care about Lu Li himself, she only cares about whether the Duan family is endangered.

"So what's Nick and Lu Li's plan? What countermeasures do you have?" Duan Xunge glanced at Yan Xi.

"Nick sent [-] employees to lend to Lu Li. He is already planning an operation. I will provide you with information when the time comes," Yan Xi said.

"What's your identity? Why should I trust you?" Duan Xunge's expression turned serious. She has been unable to find out Yan Xi's identity, and it is absolutely impossible for her to trust a stranger.

"You don't have to believe me, but there is one person..." Yan Xi looked at the time on his watch, it hasn't arrived yet?
The red dot on the wall suddenly flickered, Duan Xunge and Lan Muge looked at each other, it was a thermal sensor.

Duan Xunge drew out his pistol and said, "Someone is coming."

Yan Xi got up and walked to the door, opened a gap in the wooden door, but saw no one, so he said, "Come out."

A black figure came from the darkness, wearing a hooded windbreaker, and the wide hat covered half of her face, making it impossible to see her face clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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