I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 562 Complete Breakup 05

Chapter 562 Complete Breakup 05
Lan Muge turned around again and left, the background was lonely and lonely, every step under his feet felt like a thousand catties.

Yan Xi stroked his forehead and was speechless.

Zhong Manyao showed a triumphant smile.

However, Lan Muge only walked a few meters away before turning back.

Zhong Manyao's smile froze, Sh`hit!Is he finished?

Lan Muge suppressed the surging hatred and anger, gnashing his teeth every word: "I'll take you home."

Yan Xi was about to refuse, but Zhong Manyao readily agreed: "Okay."

The three of them walked out of the woods in silence all the way to the martial field in the southern suburbs.

Lan Muge drove out a car, and Zhong Manyao and Yan Xi sat in the back seat.

It was past one o'clock in the morning, and there was not a single car on Binjiang Road.

The atmosphere in the car was oppressive, no one spoke, and the silence was panicky.

Lan Muge almost didn't look at the road while driving, but looked at the inside mirror.

Zhong Manyao moved her position, getting closer to Yan Xi bit by bit.

Yan Xi suddenly felt very tired, she knew Zhong Manyao's intention, so she moved towards the car door.

Zhong Manyao moved over again until she got close to Yan Xi's side, blocking Yan Xi against the car door.

Lan Muge stared at the car mirror with cold eyes, watching Zhong Manyao gradually approaching her.

Zhong Manyao turned sideways, looked at Yan Xi's side face playfully, and then slowly leaned closer.

Yan Xi's face was gloomy, and he looked at Zhong Manyao with warning eyes.

Zhong Manyao ignored Yan Xi's warning, and even put a hand on Yan Xi's shoulder, just as she was about to kiss her...

There was a sound of brushing, and there was no warning.

Due to the strong inertia, Zhong Manyao and Yan Xi collided, and their lips also touched.

Time seemed to stand still.

Lan Muge's hand holding the steering wheel showed blue veins, staring at the picture in the car's interior mirror angrily, and pressed the horn with a snap.


On the empty road, there was a piercing sound of horns.

Yan Xi was exuding a cold air, and pushed Zhong Manyao away with one hand. At the same time, he pulled out the gun behind him with the other hand, and the muzzle of the gun was pressed against Zhong Manyao's waist.

Although she didn't believe that Yan Xi would shoot, Zhong Manyao moved away and said nonchalantly, "Mu Ge, why did you suddenly stop and honk?"

Lan Muge's face was livid, and he suddenly shifted gears to speed up, and the car flew out with a whoosh.

There was no traffic on the road, Lan Muge was speeding and running red lights all the way, and the car was speeding on the road unimpeded.

At this speed, I will go to Tianhe Xiaoyuan in a short while.

"Goodbye." Zhong Manyao said goodbye with a smile before getting out of the car.

Lan Muge held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and watched the two enter the community with gloomy eyes through the car window.

It wasn't until the figures of the two disappeared for a long time that Lan Muge drove away and returned home at speed.

At two o'clock in the morning, the servants were all asleep, and only two guards were guarding the gate.

Lan Muge walked into the room, the front hall was pitch black.

"Are you back?" A voice suddenly sounded.

Lan Muge was indulging in pain, and was startled by this voice, and saw a person sitting on the sofa...it was his mother.

"What are you doing sitting here in the middle of the night?!" Lan Muge was a little irritable, and deliberately surprised him!
"Wait for you to come back." Duan Yingfei was very concerned about her son. Recently, his son has been very disappointed. It is known that he broke up with Yan Xi.

"Then why don't you turn on the light?" Lan Muge tried not to get angry, what was she doing sitting there silently? !

"Save electricity." Duan Yingfei put on a thick overcoat, got up to turn on the light, and the hall was brightened instantly.

Lan Muge was in a bad mood, not in the mood to joke with his mother.

Duan Yingfei looked at her son, isn't he going to see Yanxi tonight?Why did you come back so late?

"How are you and Yan Xi doing?" Duan Yingfei asked, his son's complexion was very bad, the result should not be ideal.

"Don't mention it!" Lan Muge threw out two words coldly.

"Really broke up? Does she not like you?" Duan Yingfei felt sorry, and could see that his son really liked Yanxi this time.

"She has never liked me, she is with someone else." Lan Muge's heart was filled with pain.

"With whom?" Duan Yingfei was a little surprised, could it be the child He Jinluo?

"My ex-girlfriend." Lan Muge's voice was full of hatred, he wanted to kill Zhong Manyao!

"..." Duan Yingfei didn't react for a while.

Who is the son's ex-girlfriend?

Yan Xi is with his son's ex-girlfriend?

Yan Xi is with his son's ex-girlfriend!

Duan Yingfei looked at her son in shock. Was his son stolen by his ex-girlfriend?
My Girlfriend Is With My Ex-Girlfriend, How Does It Feel?She dare not imagine.

"Son, I know you are very sad. Will you hate women from now on and find a boyfriend?" Duan Yingfei was a little worried. She did not discriminate against homosexuals, but homosexuals faced more pressure than heterosexuals.

"Where did you think?! Even if all the women in the world die, I won't like men!" Lan Muge was so angry, he was already in pain, don't provoke him anymore!
"If all the men in this world die, I think I will like women." Duan Yingfei imagined.

Hearing this, Lan Muge's face became gloomy again, and now he didn't want to talk to anyone, so he went upstairs to his room.

Duan Yingfei yawned and went back to sleep.

It was already three o'clock in the morning, and Lan Muge still couldn't fall asleep, leaning against the head of the bed tiredly, habitually flipping through the photos on his phone before going to bed.

Looking at her in the photo, Lan Muge's heart was mixed with love and hatred. At this moment, he may understand why she didn't want to take pictures with him in the first place.

Finally, delete the photos one by one.

Until all photos of her were deleted without leaving any, Lan Muge threw her phone on the bedside table and saw a gift on the bedside table.

This was his birthday present for her, and he had been looking forward to this day, but it had lost its meaning at this moment.

Lan Muge suddenly picked up the gift, as if exhausting all the strength in his body, and threw the gift out of the window fiercely. The gift was thrown far, far away, and finally disappeared into the night completely.

(End of this chapter)

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