I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 563 Complete Breakup 06

Chapter 563 Complete Breakup 06
Yun Su sat on a chair in the dining room, looked at the information displayed on the laptop screen, and tapped the keyboard with his ten fingers quickly.

"Hess Esther? The heir of the Italian Esther family, why did he come to China?" Hua Cuo just passed by and just saw the entry record displayed. The Esther family used to be a famous mafia family, but now it is no longer Self-proclaimed Mafia.

"I don't know. He appeared at Ante Dick's fellowship dinner last Saturday night. He has been looking for a woman named Sylvia in the past few days. It is rumored that he has a fiancee named Sylvia." Yun Su said .

"Is there any problem?" Hua Cuo asked, it is normal to have a fiancee.

"But according to the matching results, Sylvia died about two years ago." Yun Su switched the page, and there were hundreds of people named Sylvia around the world, but after excluding searches based on age, time, location, etc., only Several matches.

"Maybe he didn't die." Hua Cuo said, why do you care about someone else's fiancee.

"In the case of Li Xiaotian, a major transnational crime, there was a woman named Sylvia. She was Li Xiaotian's assistant. She and Li Xiaotian died in an explosion two years ago. Before that, Li Xiaotian and the Este family had a secret relationship. But there has been no sufficient evidence." Yun Su said, he was very aware of this case because his grandfather had participated in the investigation of this case.

"Maybe it's just the same name. Do you have photos for comparison?" Hua Cuo also had a little understanding of this case, one of the largest transnational crimes in recent years.

Li Xiaotian, a native of China, was once a well-known drug lord and arms dealer in the Middle East. He has been selling drugs and arms for ten years and has never been caught.Until two years ago, Li Xiaotian's illegal group collapsed, was surrounded by the local police, and died in an explosion.

"No, I can't find a photo at all." Yun Su frowned slightly. When he saw this case from his grandfather, there were only a few words about Sylvia, such as photos, fingerprints, DNA, nationality, etc. The important information is actually blank.

"So strange? A dead person came back to life suddenly? Is there any other information?" Hua Cuo asked. This case was closed two years ago, so it is impossible that there is not even a photo.

"Sylvia, female, about 23 years old, one of Li Xiaotian's right-hand assistants, proficient in computer technology, and Li Xiaotian's right-hand man, Perrin Schultz, is a lover. Perrin Schultz, Germanic from country D, 27 years old , was shot and died two years ago, and I still don’t know who killed him.” Yun Su switched the page, and Pei Lan’s information was displayed on the screen, and the man in the photo was very handsome.

"If based on the current information, one is an international criminal and the other is an Italian wealthy family, how could Sylvia be Hess's fiancée?" Hua Cuo asked, the difference in their identities was too great.

Yun Su didn't speak. If this was already a big question, then the fact that Hess was looking for Yan Xi would be an even bigger question, because Yan Xi matched Sylvia's very little information.

Yun Su thought for a moment, maybe he could ask his grandfather about this.

"Did you get in touch with Zhong Manyao?" Huacuo asked. He had contacted the MI[-] of Country Y's military and confirmed Zhong Manyao's identity.

"Meet at ten o'clock tonight, she said she would bring someone." Yun Su had already contacted Zhong Manyao.

"Who?" Hua Cuo asked, the MI[-] of the Y Army only gave Zhong Manyao a list, could there be other spies?

"I don't know." Yun Su closed his notebook.

(End of this chapter)

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