I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 568 Hess Appears 01

Chapter 568 Hess Appears 01
Hua Cuo has been waiting for her outside the door. The sound insulation effect of the study is very good. I don't know what the director and Yan Xi have to say.

It was almost one o'clock in the morning that Yan Xi walked out of the study and saw the wrong flowers outside the door.

"Yan Xi, what did the chief tell you?" Hua Cuo happily walked up to her.

"It's nothing."

"He gave you a gift?" Hua Cuo was surprised to see the gift in her hand.

"Yeah." Yan Xi put the gift in the pocket of his coat, the gift was only the size of a fist, and it fit just right.

"I also have something to tell you, come with me." Hua Cuo led the way happily.

Yan Xi followed him suspiciously, if there was anything he couldn't say here, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

Go to the third floor of the villa, there is no one here, and the night is deep.

Hua Cuo excitedly took out a photo from her pocket, handed it to her, and said expectantly, "Look."

It was a somewhat old photo, but it was well preserved. There was a tall and thin boy in the photo, and a short, fat, three or four-year-old girl.

Yan Xi looked at the photo, and then at Hua Cuo, she recognized her childhood appearance, although she couldn't recognize the boy next to her, she already guessed why he had such a photo.

"This is you, this is me." Hua wrongly pointed to the girl and boy in the photo, which he kept for 20 years.

"You've changed a lot." Yan Xi looked at him in disbelief, and he couldn't find anything wrong with that little boy.

"You have also changed a lot." Hua wrongly smiled.

Yan Xi's face turned dark, she admitted that she was as fat as a ball when she was a child, no wonder Hua Cuo said that before, it turned out that he had seen her before.

"Where was the photo taken?" Yan Xi didn't have much memory, just looking at the background of the photo, he couldn't imagine the exact location.

"I won't tell you." Hua Cuo was a little disappointed. Although he couldn't blame her for not remembering, she was only three or four years old at the time, and it was normal not to remember, but he still expected her to remember.

The corner of Yan Xi's lips twitched, she was not interested in knowing.

"At the beginning, I joined Shengshi Group on purpose. It was indeed to get close to you. I just wanted to meet you. When I first saw you, I was surprised at how slender you were. At that time, I thought I recognized the wrong person." Hua Cuo was extremely moved Probably.

"Did you always think that I'm fat like a ball?" Yan Xi's expression was very serious, she was only a little fat when she was very young, and her body shape was relatively medium after that.

"I like women with a bit of sensuality." Hua Cuo said seriously. In the past 20 years, he imagined her to be round and chubby, which made him look twice more when he saw a plump woman. Of course, it is not healthy to be fat like a ball after growing up, and it is not in line with aesthetics.

Yan Xi doesn't comment on what type of woman Hua Cuo likes.

"I didn't have any purpose at the beginning, and I didn't know that you were an employee of Ante Dick, or Interpol." Hua Cuo explained seriously, except that they didn't know each other's other identities, everything else was true.

"Now I know." Yan Xi glanced at him, and now she admits that she misunderstood him.

"Then we are reconciled?" Hua Cuo was relieved, he had been entangled with this matter before, which made him almost insomnia.

"I never broke up with you." Yan Xi said, so there is no question of reconciliation.

"But you pointed a gun at me." Before Huacuo, he was still holding on to this. Although it was necessary at the time, he still felt very... hurt.

"Okay, now I formally apologize to you, I'm sorry." Yan Xi said sincerely, unexpectedly he was angry because of this, but she didn't think it was the same thing at all.

"I accept your apology." Hua Cuo's mood suddenly brightened. In his opinion, he could finally reconcile with her as before.

"Is there anything else?" Yan Xi looked at the time, it was very late.

"There's still a lot, but we'll talk about it next time. It's so late, I'll take you home." Hua Cuo had countless things in her heart that she wanted to confide in, but time didn't allow it.

"No, I'll go back by myself, it's a very urgent time." Yan Xi said, although it's a bit far away, it's not troublesome to take a taxi back.

"Then I'll take you down." Hua Cuo also understood that she came here at a risk.

(End of this chapter)

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