I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 569 Hess Appears 02

Chapter 569 Hess Appears 02
Walking downstairs, Yun Su and the others were still asleep, and the three of them gathered together to talk about something.

Looking at the photo on the computer screen, Zhong Manyao couldn't help but exclaim: "This Pei Lan is so handsome, he can obviously become a star, why do he do these things?"

Mo Yan was envious and jealous. This Peilan was not only handsome, but also tall. The information showed that he was 185cm tall, which was the same height as Yun Su. He hated standing with Yun Su the most.

"It's a pity that he died. Who killed him? If I will kill him first." Zhong Manyao joked.

Yun Su frowned. Are all the secret agents of Y's MI[-] so open-mouthed?

"Zhong Manyao, are your thoughts so dirty?" Mo Yan gave her a contemptuous look.

"Compared to some people secretly browsing websites that are not suitable for children, I am much more open and aboveboard." Zhong Manyao never hides her hobbies and sexual orientation. She is a face control and likes beautiful and unique men and women.

Mo Yan blushed instantly, feeling extremely annoyed, how did Zhong Manyao know?
Hearing footsteps behind, Yun Su turned his head and saw Yan Xi and Hua walking by mistake.

Yan Xi glanced at the photo on the computer screen, and then met Shang Yunsu's gaze.

Yun Su looked away without a trace, continued to look at the computer screen, and moved the mouse to switch pages.

Zhong Manyao also turned her head to look at Yan Xi. According to Chinese people's aesthetics, Yan Xi may not be beautiful enough...beautiful and fair, but according to Westerners' aesthetics, Yan Xi is beautiful and unique.

"Yan Xi, are you going back?" Zhong Manyao walked over to flirt with Yan Xi again.

"Yeah." Yan Xi replied indifferently.

"I have something to say to you alone." Zhong Manyao looked at Yan Xi with burning eyes, and she didn't know when she would see Yan Xi again.

"Do you want to tell me about paying back the money?" Apart from this matter, Yan Xi didn't want to tell Zhong Manyao anything.

Zhong Manyao's heart was very hurt. In fact, it cannot be said that Yan Xi doesn't like women, but that he hasn't met a woman he likes yet.

Yan Xi said goodbye and left.

It was past one in the morning, Yun Su closed his laptop, went upstairs and found a room to sleep.

"Where do I live?" Zhong Manyao asked. The environment of this villa seems to be good, but it is certain that there are surveillance cameras hidden in every corner, and her every move is under surveillance.

Mo Yan took her upstairs to find a room.

"It is said that almost half of MI6's spies are women, isn't it?" Mo Yan asked curiously, MI6 is the top-secret intelligence agency of country Y, and many of them are said to be rumors.

"With your height, even if the secret agents of MI6 are all female, none of them will like you, so don't think about it." Zhong Manyao walked beside Mo Yan in high-heeled boots, fully showing her height advantage .

"I'm just asking!" Mo Yan's face was gloomy, and he hated others talking about his height.

In country Y's administrative and law enforcement agencies, the ratio of male to female officials is basically the same, and even the current prime minister is a woman.

In addition, according to the basic principle of King Y's succession to the throne, the eldest child has the right to inherit the throne, and the order of succession to the throne is in accordance with the order of seniority. Regardless of men and women, the first born will have the right to inherit first.

In China, officials are basically men.

So in the National Security Bureau, there are not many women, and he has no chance at all!And they all like tall, handsome and cool men like Yun Su!

(End of this chapter)

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