I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 570 Hess Appears 03

Chapter 570 Hess Appears 03
The next morning, Yan Xi received a call from Nick and made an appointment to meet at a time and place.

What made her feel strange was that at 203:[-] noon, in Pavilion [-] of the Stick Restaurant in the Blue Ocean Building?
Due to the special location, Yan Xi changed into an elegant and decent attire, put on appropriate shades of makeup, put on high-heeled short boots, put on a retro black coat, took a clutch bag, and went out.

The Blue Ocean Building is located on the shore of Bihu Bay, and Stick Restaurant is located on the top floor of the Blue Ocean Building. The decoration is full of mystery and elegance of ancient Greece, luxurious and elegant.

Through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, you can have a panoramic view of Bihu Bay and the scenery of Jingyang City.

It was lunch time, and there were many customers in the restaurant.

"Miss, please follow me." The waiter hurried forward to receive her.

A trace of doubt flashed in Yan Xi's eyes, and he followed the waiter upstairs to the door of Pavilion 203.

The waiter didn't knock on the door, but pushed it open gently.

The inside is like a palace in ancient Greece, full of a strong retro atmosphere. Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, you can see the sparkling Bihu Bay and the blue sky.

It was noon now, the sun was shining outside, and the bright light came in through the glass windows, making the room extraordinarily warm.

The waiter didn't go in, but just leaned over and made a gesture of invitation.

Yan Xi stepped into Pavilion 203, and the waiter then closed the door.

The person inside was obviously waiting for her to come. He was wearing an elegant black morning dress, and his brown hair, which was neither long nor short, was casually tied behind his head. His slightly curving hair was a bit messy, and the bright light from the window fell on him , as if coating him with a halo, he stood there like this, his face was deep and handsome, the corners of his lips were slightly raised with a smile, and his blue eyes kept looking at her.

Yan Xi stood still and was looking at him too. After two years of absence, he still looks like this.

Hess stepped up and walked up to her step by step, speaking in Italian: "Dear fiancee, long time no see."

"It's just a...acting." Yan Xi is not used to this name, at first it was just a play, who would take it seriously.

"In fact, I put an engagement ring on you, and you put an engagement ring on me." Hess raised his left hand, with a delicate diamond ring on his ring finger.

Yan Xi never admitted that she had already returned the ring to him.

Hess took out a ring from his pocket, then took her left hand, and put a ring on her ring finger, which was exactly a pair with the ring on his left ring finger.

Yan Xi didn't refuse, and let him put on the ring, he has obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"Your hair has grown. I like the way you have long hair." Hess stretched out his hand and gently brushed her hair. Her hair was short before, and she felt a very familiar touch.

Yan Xi frowned, disliking his behavior very much.

"Let's have lunch together." Hess' hand ran along her hair, fell on her shoulder, and then walked behind her, helping her take off the black coat that was draped around her body.

Yan Xi looked at the environment in the private room, and didn't know if it was because of the other party, or because she didn't know how to be romantic, she was really not in the mood.

"Dear Sylvia, please sit down." Hess pulled the chair away.

Yan Xi sat on the chair.

A set of cutlery is placed at each end of the table, and a row of red roses is neatly arranged in the center of the table, with petals scattered around the edges.

Hess sat gracefully on the chair at the other end of the table.

(End of this chapter)

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