I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 571 Hess Appears 04

Chapter 571 Hess Appears 04
"Why did Nick let you come?" Yan Xi looked at him, or what was his relationship with Nick.

"At such a joyous moment, don't talk about these things, okay." Hess's tone was smiling, but it definitely didn't mean to ask.

Yan Xi stopped talking.

"I ordered crab stick fresh fruit salad, creamy mushroom soup, black pepper filet steak, tomato pasta, and apple juice for you. Do you like it?" Hearst deliberately ordered the food she usually likes.

"I like it." Yan Xi's expression was indifferent, as long as he likes it.

At this moment, there was a light knock on the door, and the waiter opened the door and came in, and put out the appetizers, all of which were crab meat and fresh fruit salad.

"I'm trying something you like." Hess picked up the fork, and the color of the salad was bright and beautiful.

"Don't force it." Yan Xi looked at him, but no one could force him.

"I like it." Hess smiled, he always insisted on going his own way.

Yan Xi had nothing to say, it was still the same sentence, as long as he liked it.

After Hess ate the salad, he asked, "How does it taste?"

"Very good." Yan Xi's food was tasteless.

"I also think it's very good." Hess was quite satisfied. He didn't know whether it was because of his mood, or whether this crab stick and fresh fruit salad suited his taste. He thought it tasted pretty good.

This lunch took nearly two hours to finish.

Hess was in a good mood and took great pleasure in chatting with her.

Yan Xi remained calm the entire time, cooperating with his topic until she saw him take off the napkin, then she said, "Can we get down to business?"

"Everything I'm saying now is business." He didn't want to hear other topics.

"It's getting late, I'm leaving first." Then there's no need to chat anymore.

"I'll accompany you." Hess had already got up, picked up her coat and put it on for her.

"No, goodbye." Yan Xi put on his coat.

"I'll accompany you." Hess still said the same, and left the private room with her.

A few bodyguards stood at the door of the private room. Seeing Hess coming out, they hurriedly followed. The boss seemed to be in a good mood today.

Three black cars of the same model were parked on the side of the road.

Hess opened the back seat door: "I want to talk to you about something, can I?"

Yan Xi glanced at him, and finally sat in the car.

Hess closed the car door and got into the car from the other side: "Where do you want to go?"

"Whatever." Yan Xi didn't care, anyway, she got out of the car after the talk.

Hess gave the driver a wink, and the driver immediately drove knowingly.

The afternoon sun began to slant gradually, and the early winter sun was extraordinarily warm and pleasant, pouring in through the car windows.

"I've been looking for you for two years, why did you leave without saying goodbye?" Hess was very angry about this, and she only left him a ring.

"The matter is over, we don't need to keep pretending." She didn't need to say goodbye to him, she and him were just using each other and taking what they needed.

"I never pretended to be with you." Hess stared at her with burning eyes. He tried every means to get engaged to her, how could it be a pretend.

Yan Xi had nothing to say, he wanted to make a fake show, but she wouldn't accompany him.

"Could it be...do you still think about him?" Hess' eyes became gloomy.

"Who?" Yan Xi gave him a puzzled look.

"Perrin." Hess said the name in a dark tone. At that time, he wanted to kill this person all the time. Even if she still thought about Perrin, so what, Perrin was already dead.

Yan Xi's eyes darkened, and he didn't respond to this topic.

(End of this chapter)

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