I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 572 Hess Appears 05

Chapter 572 Hess Appears 05
He has always known that Hess hates Perrin, not only because of her relationship, but also the war relationship left over from history, race relations, etc. Italians generally dislike the people of country D, especially the Germanic people of country D.

"He died, I didn't kill him." Hess deliberately explained, after all, as a rival in love, he had the motive to kill Perrin.

"I know." Because she killed it.

"Huh?" Hess raised his eyebrows. He couldn't find out who killed Perrin. Did she know who killed Perrin?
Back then, he conspired with her to plot against Li Xiaotian, and he got engaged to her in order to gain Li Xiaotian's trust. When the plan was implemented, she left without saying goodbye. He thought she was with Pei Lan, but soon after he got the news that Pei Lan had been shot and died, and then it was reported that Li Xiaotian And the news that she died in the explosion, but he knew she must not die, just to 'disappear' completely.

"Why did you change your identity and come to China?" Hess asked, if it wasn't for the fact that there was some kind of deal between the Este family and Ante Dick, if he didn't happen to come to China to attend the dinner, he didn't know when to find her.

"I'll come when I come." Yan Xi looked at the road outside the car window. She didn't come to Huaguo, but came back to Huaguo.

"Which is your real name, or neither?" Hess didn't like this feeling very much. Which identity is the real her?He knew next to nothing about her past.

"You can understand it as both." Yan Xi didn't want to say more.

"I prefer the name Sylvia." Hess said, he knew Sylvia, and he liked to call her by her name.

Yan Xi didn't say anything, as long as he liked it.

"Why did you become an employee of Antidick?" Hess was very puzzled. At the beginning, she said that she had a grudge against Li Xiaotian, so she had to kill Li Xiaotian. Why did she work for Antidick now?

"Of course it's for money." Of course it was impossible for Yan Xi to tell him.

"I can hire you." Hess looked at her, he didn't believe what she said, if she was for money, isn't he rich enough?
"I'll find you when I'm unemployed." Yan Xi said casually.

"I can get Nick to fire you." Hess wasn't joking.

Yan Xi looked at him suspiciously, why Hess could easily get Nick to fire her, what was his relationship with Nick, and why did he come to China?

"What exactly do you want, can you tell me?" Hess suddenly held her left hand. She was rigorous, calm and silent, but mysterious and charming. He couldn't guess her mind, which made him very uncomfortable.

"What exactly do you want from me?" Yan Xi asked without answering. To him, she seemed to be of little value.

"From the first time I saw you, I liked you, and I wanted to be with you..." Hess suddenly approached her side, whispering in her ear in an ambiguous tone.

Yan Xi's expression was strange. It turned out that he thought this way when he saw her for the first time.

"Wear it until you change into the wedding ring I wear for you, okay?" Hess definitely didn't mean to ask, and rubbed the ring on her ring finger with his fingertips.

Yan Xi didn't want to discuss this issue with him, she would always take it off.

All the way to Tianhe Xiaoyuan roadside before parking.

Yan Xi frowned, he already knew that she lived here.

"Is it here?" Hess looked out the car window.

"Goodbye." Yan Xi opened the car door.

"Don't say goodbye to me." Hess got out of the car with her.

(End of this chapter)

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