I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 574 Hess Appears 07

Chapter 574 Hess Appears 07
Back home, Yan Xi casually put his bag on the shoe cabinet by the door, took off his coat and hung it up.

Hess looked around the house, the simple but full of life atmosphere, but there was no sign of him, it was too strange, he frowned and said, "I don't like this place very much."

"I like this place very much." Regarding this topic, Yan Xi had to object to his opinion, it didn't matter if he didn't like it, the important thing was that she liked it.

Hess looked gloomy, and finally said: "I will try what you like."

Yan Xi ignored him, walked to the window, opened a gap in the curtain, and saw that he was still standing outside the gate of the community.

Hess was about to walk over to have a look, but saw that she had already lowered the curtains, so he raised the curtains again and saw that the man hadn't left.

A gloomy look flashed across Hess' eyes, and his tone was dangerous: "Do you care about him?"

Yan Xi didn't answer, went into the kitchen to wash his hands, and poured a glass of water.

Hess felt uncomfortable all over. He didn't like her attitude of ignoring him. Before, he thought she only had Perrin in her eyes, until finally Perrin died, and now she has someone else in her eyes?

Yan Xi sat on the sofa and drank water from a glass.

Hess has been standing by the window, looking at the people outside.

The two remained silent like this, with different thoughts.

After an unknown amount of time, Hess said, "He's gone."

Yan Xi still didn't move when suddenly a call came from his cell phone.

Yan Xi answered the phone: "Piao Piao?"

"Dr. Yin asked me this morning, do you know your birthday the day after tomorrow? He probably wants to ask you out, do you want to ask us out, or ask him out?" Ye Piaopiao asked. She hadn't even noticed when Yan Xi's birthday was. Xi didn't say anything, Yan Xi's character should not hold any parties.

"I have something to do the day after tomorrow, so I don't make appointments. I'm going abroad for a long time."

"Why did you go abroad suddenly? How long did you go?" Ye Piaopiao was a little surprised. It was too sudden. Traveling abroad, or do you want to do something, or immigrate?

"A long time." She didn't know exactly how long.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Ye Piaopiao asked one more time, and with Yan Xi's words, Dr. Yin probably had no chance.

"If Zi Mo asks you, just say that I went abroad to get married."

"What? Are you really married or fake?" Ye Piaopiao was puzzled, even if it was to reject Dr. Yin, there was no need to make up such an outrageous reason.

"It might be true one day."

"Oh, I see." Ye Piaopiao couldn't help but feel regretful that Yan Xi might get married in the future, but not Yin Zimo.

"Goodbye." Yan Xi's tone was somewhat solemn.

"Happy birthday, have a good trip." Ye Piaopiao understood, there was nothing else to say, Yan Xi seemed to be careless, but in reality he acted decisively.

"Thank you." Apart from that, Yan Xi didn't have much to say.

Hess couldn't understand what she was saying, only a few words, who she was talking to on the phone.

Yan Xi got up and looked at him, and said, "Is there anything else?"

The implication is that if there is nothing else, he can leave here.

"Are you living here now?" Hess had no intention of leaving, and there was nothing more important than her for the time being.

"Yes." She has always lived here.

"Is this the place where you used to live?" What Hess said was a long, long time ago, or, is this... her home?Because there are too many nostalgic items here, and there is a warm atmosphere, not like a temporary residence.

(End of this chapter)

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