I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 575 Hess Appears 08

Chapter 575 Hess Appears 08
"I know you don't like it." Yan Xi said, he said just now that he didn't like this place, if he said he didn't like it, he would never like it, nothing can change him.

"I will try to like it." Hess looked at her firmly.

Yan Xi acted like you were casual, but she couldn't do anything if he insisted on forcing it.

"I'm going back to the room, you can do whatever you want. If you want to leave, you don't need to say goodbye to me." After finishing speaking, Yan Xi went into the room and closed the door.

Hess' face changed slightly, he would not leave alone, he would definitely take her to Italy.

Hess walks around the house casually, checking out where she used to live.

I saw many different vases in the wall cabinet, in order from high to low.

He didn't like this arrangement very much.

So he started to rearrange the order of the vases, making them taller in the middle and lower on both sides, in a symmetrical way.

He is very satisfied with this arrangement.

Hess walked to the balcony and saw a pot of cactus on one side of the guardrail, but on the other side, there was nothing.

Why only one pot?
So he moved the cactus to the middle of the fence.

Hess looked at the kitchen and dining room again. Besides the room she entered, there were two other rooms. Did anyone else live here?

Hess twisted the doorknob and opened the door. The huge room was a little dark, and the curtains of the French windows blocked the light.

There is a big wedding photo on the wall, her parents?

There were no pillows or quilts on the bed, and everything in the room was neatly arranged. It was obvious that no one had lived in it for a long time.

Never heard her mention her parents.

It is almost certain that her parents have passed away.

There is a photo frame on the desk, a man and a woman and a little girl, her parents and her?

This girl is a bit fat, so she grew up like this when she was a child.

Hess gave a rare smile, took out his phone and took this photo.

He didn't feel guilty about peeping into other people's privacy at all.

Walk out of this room and walk to the door of the next room.

When he opened the door and saw the room, Hess frowned. The messy quilt and clothes were still on the bed, including underwear, and the style of the clothes was very similar to her style of clothing.

There is a notebook on the table, and there is still water in the glass.

This is her bedroom?
However, when he opened the closet door and saw that it was full of men's clothes, Hess couldn't calm down. Whose clothes?

Hess immediately walked out of the room and went to the door of the room she had entered just now.

"What's the matter?" Yan Xi opened the door and saw him standing in front of the door with a cold face.

Hess looked inside, the room was very tidy, and the computer screen on the desk was on. Is this her bedroom?

"Follow me." Hess left.

Yan Xi followed him suspiciously until he reached the guest room.

The room was a bit messy, with balls of paper on the floor, not only a lot of clothes on the bed, but also a black underwear.

Yan Xi's face turned dark, Zhong Manyao left last night, she hadn't had time to clean up, but even so, what does Hess mean?
"This is your clothes?" Hess' tone was full of questioning.

"So what?" It was indeed her clothes.

"Who is it?" Hess' face turned gloomy instantly. Could it be the man just now?

"What is who?" Yan Xi was puzzled.

Hess walked over and opened the closet door completely, and he could see a row of men's clothes hanging inside.

"Are you just checking other people's rooms so casually?" Yan Xi was a little annoyed, although he knew he had misunderstood.

(End of this chapter)

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