I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 583 Yan Xi's Birthday 06

Chapter 583 Yan Xi's Birthday 06
After buying the airline, Hess and Yan Xi are taking a special plane, on their way to Country Y.

After seven o'clock in the evening, the night sky was pitch black.

This private plane has only [-] seats, equipped with bathrooms, matching kitchens, and small bedrooms.

"It took [-] hours to arrive in country Y. We have to eat plane meals, but don't worry, it shouldn't be too bad." Hess sat beside her, enjoying the flight happily.

Yan Xi wasn't picky about what to eat, nor was he in the mood to eat.

The kitchen is only equipped with appliances such as microwave and refrigerator, no open fire, so food can only be heated or frozen.

Suddenly there was a faint cry, followed by a sob.

Hess glanced at the bodyguard with displeasure.

The bodyguard immediately went into the small bedroom, and when he opened the bedroom door, he heard the cry of the child clearly.

The bodyguard quickly closed the door to block the sound, but a low cry could still be heard.

"Is there a child in there?" Yan Xi definitely heard the crying, how could there be a child on the plane?

"Never mind." Hess said casually.

"Your child?" Yan Xi just said casually, who is that child?

Hess froze for a moment, then couldn't help laughing out loud, and then approached her side, whispering ambiguously in her ear: "A long time ago, I wanted to make a child with you, or two."

Yan Xi was expressionless, she didn't have this right.

Hess added something she couldn't understand: "And, I've taken action."

already?Yan Xi looked at him inexplicably, she had never had any relationship with him.

Hess's smile was somewhat mysterious.

After a while, the crying became louder and louder.

Only two crew members on the plane were women, and the children had been tried to comfort the children, but it did not seem to have any effect.

Hess frowned, with so many people, even a child couldn't handle it.

"Can I see him?" Yan Xi asked.

"You like children?" Hess was a little surprised. She didn't seem like a person who liked children, and he didn't like children, but if it was his and her children, he liked them very much.

"Yeah." I can't say whether I like it or not, I just feel suspicious, why did Hess hide a child on the plane.

Hess asked the bodyguard to bring the child.

A five or six-year-old boy, wearing a small blue jacket, with brown hair and black eyes, was almost certain that he was of mixed race. He was out of breath from crying and was dragged out by the bodyguards.

Yan Xi suddenly remembered that during the arrest that night, Shan Jun died, but his son was missing. This child is most likely Shan Jun's son.

"What's your name?" Yan Xi walked up to the little boy.

"Arthur." The little boy sobbed and said his name.

"Why are you crying?" Yan Xi's tone was as gentle as possible, as she had no experience with children.

The little boy opened his wet eyes, looked at Yan Xi in confusion, and then continued to cry.

Yan Xi asked again in English.

"I want my mother, I don't want to stay here." Yass can generally speak English, and can also speak some simple Chinese. When speaking long sentences, Chinese is mixed with English.

Yan Xi didn't know how to coax the child, she couldn't give it to his mother.

Yan Xi looked at Hess and asked, "Where's his mother?"

Hess smiled quite gently: "In country Y, he will see his mother soon."

Yan Xi asked, "Who is he? Why is he on the plane?"

Hess didn't answer, just looked at her deeply.

"Sylvia, don't do things that make me sad." He didn't believe that she was just an employee of Ante Dick.

Yan Xi's eyes darkened, and he didn't respond to this cryptic topic.

Yan Xi looked at the little boy. Shan Jun married a woman from country Y, divorced a year ago, and brought his son to Hua country. Does he know that his father is gone?
Arthur cried louder and louder, and tears dripped onto his clothes. The blue jacket was stained wet, which showed that he had been crying for a long time.

Yan Xi took out a tissue and handed it to him: "Wipe it off."

Arthur didn't answer, just kept crying.

Yan Xi kept passing the tissue, and finally helped him wipe the tears off his face, but he kept crying, and he couldn't finish it no matter what.

"Don't cry." Yan Xi's tone was gentle, everyone was very impatient with his crying, and the people here were not very good-tempered.

"Can you take me to see my mother?" Arthur looked sad and pitiful.

Yan Xi was silent for a moment, then whispered in Chinese in his ear, "I don't know, but I will try my best."

Arthur understood, and looked at Yan Xi helplessly, his crying gradually turned into sobbing.

A trace of suspicion flashed in Hess' eyes: "What did you tell him?"

Yan Xi said, "You can ask him."

Hess was very upset and looked at Arthur with unfriendly eyes.

It's almost eight o'clock now, Yan Xi thought, probably this child was kidnapped by Hess: "Did you give him something to eat?"

Of course Hess didn't care about this, so he looked at the bodyguard.

"He was given a lot of candy, but he didn't eat it," said one bodyguard.

So it's not their problem.

In order to keep the child from crying, they almost did everything in their power. In the past, when dealing with hostages who were making a lot of noise, they would be honest with a stick.

Yan Xi pulled Arthur to sit on the seat on the other side: "Do you want some water? Or milk?"

Arthur's eyes were swollen like walnuts, and his voice was soft: "I want milk."

Yan Xi glanced at the bodyguard: "Give him a glass of milk and heat it up."

The bodyguard hurried to the kitchen and asked someone to get a cup of hot milk.

There are four tables and chairs, and Hess is opposite Arthur, and the two seem to be staring at each other.

Arthur sobbed softly, huddled on the large seat in fear, and looked at Hess in front of him vigilantly with his eyes open.

After a while, the bodyguard brought the milk.

Yan Xi pushed the milk in front of Arthur: "Drink slowly."

Arthur stretched out his two little hands, took the milk and drank until his mouth was full of milk.

After he finished drinking, Yan Xi took out another tissue and handed it over: "Wipe your mouth."

Arthur obediently took the tissue and wiped his mouth carelessly.

At this moment, dinner is ready, but only two dishes are set.

Yan Xi asked someone to bring another set of tableware.

There are pizzas, baked potatoes, salads, tomato spaghetti, seafood soup and ice cream on the table, as well as some small cookies of various flavors.

Arthur looked up at Yan Xi, his weak voice was full of longing: "I want to eat ice cream."

Yan Xi said, "I have to save the ice cream for last, what do you want to eat first?"

Arthur looked at the food on the table, and finally at the pizza: "I want to eat pizza."

Yan Xi took a piece of pizza and put it on his dinner plate.

Arthur picked up the knife and fork, but the height of the table had reached his chest, and it was difficult for him to cut the pizza: "Can I use my hands?"

Yan Xi took his dinner plate, cut the pizza into small pieces, and returned it to him.

Arthur finally showed a shy smile: "Thank you."

Yan Xi said, "You're welcome."

Arthur can now eat it with just a fork.

Watching the interaction between the two, Hess's eyes flashed a strange color. She seemed to be very good at taking care of children, but he was still very inexperienced.

Arthur finished his slice of pizza and asked in a low voice, "When can I have ice cream?"

Yan Xi asked, "How much ice cream can you eat?"

Arthur thought for a while, then raised three fingers: "I can eat three."

Yan Xi said: "But each person can only eat one portion. If you want to eat something else, then you can eat ice cream."

Arthur pointed to the tomato spaghetti: "I want to eat noodles."

Yan Xi took some spaghetti with a fork and put it on his dinner plate.

Arthur ate tomato spaghetti until his mouth was full of red ketchup, he managed to finish it, and then looked at Yan Xi helplessly, he wanted to eat ice cream.

Yan Xi handed him a napkin: "You can eat ice cream after you wipe your mouth clean."

Arthur's eyes lit up and he wiped his mouth immediately.

Yan Xi asked, "Which color ice cream do you want?"

There are three servings of ice cream on the table in pink, green and chocolate colours.

Arthur looked at them with a look of hesitation: "I want...pink, no, I want black..."

Yan Xi said: "You only have one chance, once you choose, you can't change it, and you can't cheat."

Arthur thought for a while, and finally said, "I want black."

Yan Xi gave him chocolate ice cream.

Arthur's eyes sparkled, and he ate with relish with a spoon in his hand.

Hess suddenly felt that he didn't dislike this child so much, if this was his and her child...

After dinner, without the temptation of delicious food, Arthur began to enter a period of depression again.

Arthur looked up at her with longing eyes. "I miss Mom."

"Have you been separated from your mother for a long time?" Yan Xi asked, Shan Jun brought his son to Jingyang City for a year, and he should rarely see his mother.

"Mom often visits me, and I want to go back with my mother, but my father won't let me, so I can only video chat with my mother." Arthur's eyes were red, and he was about to cry again.

"Don't you miss your father?" Yan Xi asked, he was still very young, did he realize that his father was gone?

"I hate my dad. He didn't let me see my mom, tore up my mom's photo, and broke my tablet." Arthur bit his lip, he was still afraid of his dad.

Yan Xi could guess that Shan Jun's temper should be a little grumpy.

Arthur tugged at the corner of her clothes and said, "Can you play a game with me?"

"What game?" Yan Xi was a little embarrassed, she had never played games with children.

"Can you play my mom for a while?" Arthur often played this game with the family nanny.

"Do I look like your mother?" Yan Xi raised his eyebrows, absolutely not.

"No, my mother is much better and prettier than you." Arthur said without hesitation.

"Then why did you let me play your mother?" Yan Xi was very puzzled.

"You play my mother, I play Batman, I can fly, then the bad guy catches you, hides you in the closet, then I beat the bad guy, I rescue you." Arthur danced to play Batman.

Yan Xi said seriously, "I can't play your mother."

Arthur pouted, "Why?"

Yan Xi said, "Because I don't want to hide in the closet."

Arthur looked disappointed for a moment.

Hess laughed, unable to imagine her playing games with children and then hiding in the closet.

Yan Xi looked at the time, it was already past nine o'clock: "It's very late, do you want to sleep?"

Arthur shook his head and said, "Would you like to tell me a story?"

Yan Xi said, "I don't know how to tell stories."

Arthur was a little depressed, he lowered his head and said nothing, playing with his fingers.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly raised his head and whispered, "I want to pee."

"Take him." Hess gestured to the bodyguard.

The bodyguard walked up to Arthur, grabbed his little arm, and said impatiently, "Follow me."

Arthur didn't get up, he twisted his body reluctantly, and looked at Yan Xi helplessly.

Yan Xi said, "I'll take him there."

The bodyguard looked at Hess, and seeing that the boss didn't object, he let go.

Yan Xi took Arthur to the bathroom, which also had a bathroom.

"Will you go to the bathroom by yourself?" Yan Xi just stood at the door of the bathroom.

"Yes." Arthur nodded.

"Then I'll wait for you here, okay?"

"Don't go far away." Arthur was a little scared, everyone here was scary, only she was not.

"Well, call me if you have anything to do, I've closed the door." Yan Xi closed the door for him.

Arthur took off his pants and talked to her while peeing.

"Are you still outside?"

"Yes." Yan Xi replied.

After Arthur solved it, he pulled up his pants and walked to the sink to wash his hands.

When he opened the door and saw that she was still outside, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brush your teeth, wash your face, and go to bed later." Yan Xi found the toiletries from the cabinet.

"I don't want to sleep." Arthur shook his head.

"Why don't you want to go to bed?" Yan Xi asked, children need to go to bed early.

"When will I see my mother?" Arthur asked expectantly.

"I don't know, but whether you sleep or not, you won't be able to see your mother for a while, so you'd better go to sleep. Brush your teeth, or your teeth will be broken." Yan Xi squeezed out a little toothpaste on the toothbrush and handed it to him.

Arthur wrinkled his face, but he also took the toothbrush and brushed his teeth obediently.

After washing up and playing, back in the cabin, Yan Xi adjusted his seat back, and asked someone to bring a blanket to cover Arthur.

Hess had the cabin lights turned down, and the cabin went dark.

Arthur was actually very tired. He fell asleep very quickly after tossing around in the early hours of last night.

After Yan Xi washed up casually, he also lay down on the chair to sleep.


After more than ten hours, when I opened my eyes, it was still night.

The time on the watch is seven o'clock in the morning.

Had another flight meal.

He didn't arrive in Country Y until 8:1 am on the watch, but it was [-]:[-] am here.

After getting off the plane, he went to the hotel by car. He originally booked an independent suite with two bedrooms, but Arthur has been clinging to Yan Xi, unwilling to be separated from her.

Yan Xi said, "I share a room with him."

Hess immediately objected: "No, or you and I share a room, and he shares a room, and I will arrange someone to take care of him."

Of course it is impossible for Yan Xi to share a room with him: "He will cry."

Hess's face darkened, but he didn't mind.

Arthur couldn't understand what they were saying, he just held onto Yan Xi's hand tightly.

Yan Xi led Arthur into the room.

(End of this chapter)

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