I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 584 Yan Xi's Birthday 07

Chapter 584 Yan Xi's Birthday 07
Country Y in November is already very cold. Although it hasn't snowed yet, the room is already heated.

"Do you want to take a bath?" Yan Xi asked, he didn't have a change of clothes, and it was past one o'clock in the morning, and he couldn't find any clothes for him.

"I don't want to take a shower, but Mom says I have to take a shower every day." Arthur tugged at his clothes and unzipped his jacket.

"Can you take a bath yourself?" She had never bathed a child.

Arthur nodded, shook his head again, and touched his head: "I don't know how to wash my hair."

"Then I'll wash your hair for you and you can take a shower yourself, is that okay?"

"Yeah, okay." Arthur took off his jacket and sweater.

There is heating in the room, it is not too cold, and the heater in the bathroom is hotter.

Yan Xi put hot water first, thinking about how to wash his hair, should he stand or lie down?

"How do you usually wash your hair?"

"I sat in the bathtub, then raised my head, and my mother washed my hair." Arthur said, already stripped of his clothes, with medical gauze on his left arm.

"Are you injured?" Yan Xi pointed to the gauze on his arm.

"Well, they cut my arm with a knife." Arthur said with a look of fear.

"Who are they?" Yan Xi asked.

"It's the bad guys on the plane!" Arthur said angrily.

"Why did they cut your arm?" Yan Xi was puzzled. If the intention was to frighten a child, other methods would work, and he didn't have any scars from being abused, only his arm was injured, and the wound was bandaged.

"I don't know. They grabbed me and cut my arm. It hurts." Arthur's eyes were red.

"Does it still hurt now?" Yan Xi asked.

"A little bit." Arthur moved his arms.

"Can I see your wound?" Yan Xi asked.

Arthur nodded.

Yan Xi gently tore off the gauze, the wound was not serious, about two centimeters long, the incision was smooth, two stitches were stitched, the depth of the wound could not be seen.

Strangely, there was a straight scar next to the wound, which should have been scratched by a sharp object.

"You have a scar here, have you been injured before?" Yan Xi pointed at his scar.

"I don't know." Arthur shook his head.

"Don't remember or don't know?" Yan Xi asked again, he was so young, it's normal not to remember, but why did he say he didn't know.

"I don't know." Arthur thought for a while, and he didn't know whether he forgot or didn't know.

"When did you get injured? Did you bleed a lot?" Yan Xi tried to recall his memory.

"For a long time, there was no bleeding, and my dad helped me wrap it up." That's all Arthur remembered.

No bloodshed?Yan Xi felt strange, according to the traces of the scar, the wound should be deep, how could it not bleed, it should be because he didn't see the bleed, or he didn't remember it.

Yan Xi couldn't help guessing that Shan Jun hid something in Arthur's arm, Hess didn't want to hurt Arthur, but took something out of his arm.

But if Hess had already taken something, why keep Arthur?

"Raise your arms, sit in the water, don't wet the wound. Is the water hot?" Yan Xi tested the water temperature.

"It's not hot." Arthur sat in the bathtub, his small body soaked in warm water, the water level reached his chest.

"You raise your head up, I'm afraid it will wet your eyes, so put a towel on your forehead." Yan Xi was inexperienced, so for the sake of safety, he put a dry towel on his forehead to prevent water from flowing into his eyes.

"Hmm." Arthur tilted his head obediently.

Yan Xi picked up the shower to wet his hair, squeezed a little shampoo and rubbed it on his hair.

"Is it cold?"

"It's not cold." Arthur shook his head, his face was a little red from the hot water.

After Yan Xi helped him wash his hair, he dried it and let him take a bath by himself.

Pick up the clothes on the floor and throw them in the washing machine, where they can be dried.

Arthur has been playing with the water, he squeezed a lot of body wash, and got foam everywhere.

"Don't get it on the wound on your arm, how long do you have to wash it?" Yan Xi watched him playing.

"For a while." Arthur had a great time.

"How long is a while? Three minutes or five minutes?"

"5 minutes." Arthur chose the long one without hesitation.

"I'll start the timer now, and you'll be out in five minutes." Yan Xi looked at the time on his watch.

Arthur immediately took a shower in earnest, scrubbing his whole body with one hand awkwardly, but there was too much foam to wash off.

"Stand up, I'll wash it for you." Yan Xi raised his injured arm, used the shower to wash off the foam on his body, and then handed him a bath towel.

Arthur wrapped himself in a towel and dried himself off.

Yan Xi found the smallest nightgown to put on for him, and put him on the bed.

Arthur sat on the bed and looked at Yan Xi helplessly.

"Do you know how you got on the plane?" Yan Xi asked him seriously.

"I don't know, I don't know where I am when I wake up, those bad guys must have caught me." Arthur was still very scared.

"What bad guy?"

"Except for you, everyone else is bad." In Arthur's mind, it was Yan Xi who saved him.

"Did your father tell you anything or give you anything?" Yan Xi asked, otherwise why did Hess arrest Shan Jun's son.

"My father is very fierce. I can't understand what he said to me, and I dare not talk to him. He bought me a lot of toys, but I don't like them." He doesn't want those toys, he just wants his mother .

"Do you remember what your dad said?"

"He said...he didn't remember." Arthur couldn't remember, only remembered that his father was very fierce.

Yan Xi frowned. If it was an important secret, Shan Jun would not have told the child who knew nothing about it. So what secret did Shan Jun hide from Arthur?
"You sleep, I'm going to take a shower."

"I don't want to sleep, I'm not sleepy."

"Then you stay on the bed, don't go out, call me if you need anything, understand?" Yan Xi wrapped the quilt around him to prevent him from catching a cold.

"Understood." Arthur nodded.

Yan Xi thought for a moment, then applied for an order from the Interpol General Secretariat, sent another message to Zhong Manyao, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When Yan Xi came out of the shower, he saw Arthur standing on the bed dancing under the blanket, probably playing Batman.

It was three o'clock in the morning, and there were still three or four hours before dawn.

"I want to sleep for a while, can you sleep with me?" Yan Xi didn't sleep well on the plane, he was bouncing around here, and it was difficult for her to fall asleep.

Arthur hesitated, then agreed, and lay down by himself.

Yan Xi covered him with a quilt, and she lay down on the side.

The bed was two meters wide, Yan Xi and Arthur were far apart, so they didn't disturb each other's sleeping.

Under the quilt, Arthur moved his small body to Yan Xi's side bit by bit, then stretched out his small arms and put them on Yan Xi's body.

"What's the matter?" Yan Xi didn't move.

"You look a lot like my mother." Arthur leaned on her.

"Where does it look like?" Yan Xi turned his head and glanced at him, he said earlier that he didn't look like it.

"It's as warm and fragrant as my mother." Arthur sniffed and hugged her tightly.

"Everyone has a body temperature. Of course it smells good just after taking a bath." Yan Xi was so entangled by him that it was difficult for her to fall asleep. Pushing him away was no good, and it was no good not pushing him away.

"It's different. My mother is the warmest and most fragrant." Arthur looked proud and determined.

"Yeah." Yan Xi agreed, and she thought so too.

"When will I see Mom?" Arthur thought about it all the time.

"I can't give you a definite answer, I can only say my best." Yan Xi can't coax a child with sweet words, no matter whether he understands or not.

Arthur did half understand, he just believed her by feeling.

Yan Xi reached out to turn off the light, leaving only one light, and the room became dark.

As Arthur thought about it, sleepiness gradually struck. He called his mother in a low voice, and slowly fell asleep.

Yan Xi hadn't fallen asleep yet, when he fell asleep, he gently pushed him away and let him sleep on his back.


(End of this chapter)

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