I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 587 Yan Xi's Birthday 10

Chapter 587 Yan Xi's Birthday 10
Gu Jinluo received a call from his father in the middle of the night and rushed to Country Y immediately.

The Gu family's manor in country Y is located in the outskirts, close to mountains and lakes, stretching as far as the eye can see.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon in Country Y when Gu Jinluo arrived at the manor and went straight to his father's study.

Gu Chengtian has lived in country Y for many years, and his industries are spread all over the world. In the business world, he is undoubtedly extremely successful in his life.

His ancestors were in business, and he inherited the family business. He has a unique backing, and he is steady at every step, so he can be regarded as a master in the mall.

However, in his old age, his ambition hit the rocks, which may ruin his life's achievements.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Gu Jinluo rushed over overnight, but Dad didn't say anything and only asked him to come immediately.

Gu Chengtian is in his 50s, and he has the air of a superior person for many years, but at this moment his expression is a little tired and anxious.

"Yesterday, your mother was kidnapped." Gu Chengtian felt ashamed, he was the one who killed his wife.

Gu Jinluo's heart tightened. If the other party was only out for money, Dad would not be helpless. I'm afraid this matter is not easy.

"What's going on? What's the other party's request?"

"Let me tell you something first. Antetic's subsidiary in China has been investigated, and country Y is also investigating Antediaq." Gu Chengtian sat down on a chair tiredly.

"I know that Ante Dick conducts illegal research and illegal transactions. What does this have to do with Mom's kidnapping?" Gu Jinluo is clear about the company's operations and has absolutely no business dealings with Ante Dick.

"This is not an ordinary illegal research, but a top-secret research. The research director of Antetic and several researchers have developed a biochemical virus named D4, which can wipe out the population of a city within a month. Its value is immeasurable, it can no longer be measured by money, and it can even make a country go to war."

This subversive research can even change the world and even become a world hegemon.

"Since it's a top-secret research, Dad, how do you know?" Gu Jinluo seemed to realize something.

"This is not a unilateral project of Antec, but a joint investment of thirteen investors, including the R&D director of Kate Medical Equipment Company in country M, the president of Lianghua Company in country R, ​​and the Este family from Italy. Wait." Gu Chengtian looked serious.

Gu Jinluo looked at Gu Chengtian in disbelief, one of them was his father.

"If the investor of this illegal research is exposed, I may be sent to an international court." Gu Chengtian seemed to be getting old all of a sudden, and his previous ambitions had completely cooled down.

Gu Jinluo couldn't utter a word, he didn't understand why his father was involved, let alone why his father initiated such a crime.

"Why was Mom kidnapped?"

"I, the president of Lianghua Company in Country R and other investors decided to withdraw the investment. The investors did not participate in the research and development, but only invested. Therefore, we decided to join forces, shift all the responsibility to the research and development party, and sued the research and development party first, saying that they did not know that the research and development party had conducted Illegal research, and in this way, the investors are the victims."

This is the only way out that Gu Chengtian can think of.

"If our investor sues and confesses Antec's illegal research, the research and development parties such as Antec and Kate Medical Equipment Company will suffer heavy losses, and the relevant personnel will be convicted. However, yesterday Antec kidnapped Shaohua, and there are other countries of investors are facing similar threats.”

"Dad, did you already know that Ante Dick was doing illegal research?" Gu Jinluo felt chills in his heart. If he knew from the beginning, how could he make it clear?

Gu Chengtian was silent for a moment, he didn't want his son to know about this shady deal.

"The signed contract is legal, and the contract for illegal research cannot take effect. Of course, the investor will not sign the contract for illegal research. But the research and development party kept a hand, and there is a chip, which records the evidence of the investor's knowledge. I don't know. Why did Ante Dick kidnap Shaohua to threaten me?"

Speaking of this, a gleam flashed in Gu Chengtian's eyes.

"I only thought of one possibility. The chip was destroyed or disappeared. The R&D party had no bargaining chips to hold back the investor, so they would take hostages. As long as the chip is destroyed, the investor can get away with it." Gu Chengtian said.

What about mom?Gu Jinluo didn't ask this question.

Looking at his son's questioning eyes, Gu Chengtian's heart was extremely heavy. Shaohua and him have been in the same boat for 30 years, and even if he died, he would rescue Shaohua.

"No matter what, I won't let Shaohua have anything to do. What I have to do now is to rescue Shaohua and make sure the chip is destroyed."

"What clues do you have now?" Gu Jinluo calmed down. Even if this happened because of his father, he had no right to blame his father.

Between the law and his loved ones, he chose his loved ones without hesitation.


Ten o'clock at night.

Yan Xi and Arthur went back to sleep and locked the door behind them.

After Arthur took a bath, Yan Xi put him to sleep.

"I want to sleep with you." Arthur lay on the bed wrapped in a baggy nightgown.

"I can't sleep with you tonight, can you promise me something?" Yan Xi asked him seriously.

"What is it?" Arthur looked at her in bewilderment.

"I need to go out secretly, and I can't let anyone know. Can you keep the secret for me?"

"Why are you going out?" Arthur was in a hurry, sitting up and pulling the corner of her clothes, he would be afraid alone.

"I'm going out...to play Batman." Yan Xi used this reason helplessly.

"Are you going to fight bad guys?" Arthur looked excited.

"Maybe. Can you sleep alone? I'll be back before dawn."

"Here, you have to come back quickly." Arthur reluctantly agreed, Batman went to fight bad guys at night and came back before dawn.

"I'll try my best. You are here alone, you can't cry, you can't make noise, you can't go out, and you can't let people notice that I'm not there. If someone knocks on the door, you just say you're going to bed and I'm taking a shower. Can you do it?" Yan Xi After exhorting, I don't know if he understood.

Arthur thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes."

"Now lie down and sleep." Yan Xi covered him with a quilt and lowered the lights.

Arthur was lying on the bed, looking at her by the dim light, he still couldn't fall asleep.

Yan Xi said, "Close your eyes."

Arthur closed his eyes obediently, and after a while, he heard the sound of the French windows of the balcony opening and closing, and then there was no sound.

The room was silent.

Arthur closed his eyes tightly for a long time, and finally couldn't help opening them, and she was gone.

A cold wind blew in through the gaps in the floor-to-ceiling windows, gently raising the curtains.

Arthur tiptoed out of bed, and looked outside through the gap of the French windows, only seeing the dark night sky and colorful tall buildings.


(End of this chapter)

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